Extra-Disciplinary COURSES
The Extra-Disciplinary requirement ensures that students engage with cognitive scientific concepts and theories outside the core disciplines, in areas such as music, anthropology, religion, economics, and political science, exposing them to the full breadth of the interdisciplinary study of the mind. Two (2) electives are required.
A partial list of courses that could be used to satisfy this requirement is provided below. Students may also request approval of courses not included in this list or from other fields by submitting a proposal and rationale to the Cognitive Science Program Coordinator.
Students interested in courses marked with double asterisks (**) should write final projects/papers on a topic related to cognitive science.
Extradisciplinary Courses
Algorithmic Music Online | MADD 22506, MUSI 22507 |
Artificial Intelligence, Human Condition, Human Capacities | COGS 26200, FNDL 25004, MAPS 35000, KNOW 25002, KNOW 35002, MAPH 35000, COGS 35000 |
Approaches to K-12 Teaching and Learning | CHST 23008, EDSO 23008 |
Behavioral Development Economics | ECON 25530 |
Behavioral Economics | BUSN 20710 |
Behavioral Science and Public Policy | PBPL 28791, PSYC 28791 |
Body and the Digital | MAAD 23645, GNSE 23645, ARTV 20701 |
Brains, bodies, and culture: An introduction to the sociology of culture | SOCI 28091 |
Buddhism & Science: A Critical Intro | HIPS 24240, RLST 24240, CCTS 21018, KNOW 24240 |
Child Development and Public Policy | CHDV 25120 |
Child Development in the Classroom | CHDV 22580, EDSO 22580, PSYC 22580 |
Cognition and Understanding its Limits | PSYC 22620, NSCI 22620 |
Cosmos and Conscience: Looking for Ourselves Elsewhere | ASTR 23000 |
Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Language Development | CHDV 23700, CHDV 33700, LING 23701, LING 33700, PSYC 23720, PSYC 33720 |
Cultural Psychology | PSYC 23000, CRES 21100, CHDV 31000, PSYC 33000, AMER 33000, CHDV 21000, ANTH 35110, ANTH 24320, GNSE 31000, KNOW 31000, GNSE 21001 |
Dreams, Visions, and Mystical Experience | RLST 26103, NEHC 26103, NEHC 36103, ISLM 36103 |
Evolution and Economics of Human Behavior | CHDV 27950, CHDV 37950, PSYC 37950, ECON 14810, PSYC 27950 |
Games: Theory, Practice, Experience | ANTH 22540 |
Human Language and Interaction | CHDV 23100, PSYC 23120, EDSO 23101, LING 21150 |
Introduction to Anthropology | ANTH 10100 |
Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology | ANTH 26910, CHDV 26910, LING 26910 |
Inventing Consciousness: Literature, Philosophy, Psychology | ENGL 12720 |
Islamic Psychology | NEHC 24567, NEHC 34567, RLST 24567, ISLM 34567 |
Language and the Environment | ANTH 24501, LING 44500, CHDV 24500, CHDV 44500, ANTH 44501 |
Language, Culture, and Education | CHDV 23007, EDSO 23007, CRES 23007, SOCI 20538, ANTH 27215 |
Language in Culture in the Technological Age | COGS 26201 |
Law, Mind & Brain | LAWS 53542 (undergraduates must request special permission to enroll) |
Literacy, Language, and Education | CHDV 20703 |
Managing in Organizaitons | BUSN 20701 |
Mind, Brain, and Meaning in Buddhist Thoughts and Practices | COGS 26801, RLST 26804 |
Movies and Mind: What Science Can Tell Us About Movies | CMST 26089 |
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Morality | PSYC 23165 |
Music and Affect | MUSI 43720 |
Music and Mind | MUSI 20719 |
New Cartesian Questions | RLST 23750 |
Politicizing the Passions: Emotions and Collective Action | PLSC 24210 |
Psychological Anthropology | ANTH 24321, CHDV 27250, CHDV 37250, HIPS 27250, HLTH 27250 |
Remembering: An Anthropological Approach | ANTH 21355 |
Science Communication: Crafting a Science Think Piece** | SCPD 11300, BIOS 28103 |
Science Communication: Producing a Science Podcast** | SCPD 11400 |
Scientific and Humanistic Contributions to Knowledge Formation | KNOW 28015, HIPS 27515, CHDV 27015 |
Sound/Image Mapping | ARTV 27922, MAAD 20810, CMST 28010 |
South Asian Sensoriums | SALC 26075, SIGN 26075, ARCH 26075 |
Spiritual Exercises: Giving Form to Thought and Life from Plato to Descartes | CMLT 25424, GRMN 25424, CLCV 25423, GRMN 35424, COGS 22017, FNDL 25424, CLAS 35423, RLVC 35424, CMLT 35424 |
The Elements of Economic Analysis I | ECON 20000 |
The Elements of Economic Analysis I Honors | ECON 20010 |
The Elements of Economic Analysis II | ECON 20100 |
The Elements of Economic Analysis II Honors | ECON 20110 |
The Emotions in Literature, Philosophy, and Psychology | |
The Evolution of Language | CHDV 21920, CHSS 41920, ANTH 47305, EVOL 41920, LING 41920, CHDV 41920, PSYC 41920, LING 21920 |
The Intelligible Self | PLSC 28620 |
The Origin and Development of Political Psychology: From Plato to Martha Nussbaum | LLSO 28091 |
The Renaissance of Emotions | ITAL 23822 |
Thinking Psychoanalytically: From the Sciences to the Arts | BPRO 28400, ANTH 24316 |
Topics in Artificial Intelligence: Do LLMs Generalize? | CMSC 35900 |
Truth, Half-Truth, and Post-Truth | RLST 27140, KNOW 27140 |
Understanding Practical Wisdom | RLST 24055, CHDV 24050, BPRO 24050, PSYC 24060 |
Vico's New Science | ITAL 22900 |
Virtual Reality Production | MAAD 24920, ARTV 27920, CMST 27920, CMST 37920, ARTV 37920 |
What's Up With These Words? (Ideology and Word Meaning) | PARR 21500 |
Writing Persuasion: Health and Environment** | ENGL 12704, ENST 12704, CEGU 22704, ENGL 32704 |