Philosophy COURSES
Approved electives from philosophy are listed below.
Students are required to take:
- One (1) approved course for to complete the “breadth” requirement (see table below)
- Two (2) additional courses if intending to fulfill a “depth” requirement in philosophy
- All courses approved as breadth courses can alternatively be applied to the depth requirement
Students may request approval of a course not on this list by submitting a proposal and rationale to the Cognitive Science Program Coordinator.
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) may be used to satisfy either the Disciplinary requirement or the Formal Foundations requirement, but not both.
PHIL 20012 | Accelerated Intro to Logic | No |
PHIL 20100 | Introduction to Logic* | No |
PHIL 21114 | Philosophy of Logic | No |
PHIL 21218 | Being and Goodness: Varieties of Constitutivism | No |
PHIL 21420 | Introduction to the Problem of Free Will | No |
PHIL 21506 | Memory and Unity of a Person | No |
PHIL 21726 | The Mind/Body Problem | Yes |
PHIL 21730 | Aristotle’s Metaphysics | No |
PHIL 22000 | Introduction to the Philosophy of Science | No |
PHIL 22202 | Modern Social Contract Theory | No |
PHIL 22277 | The Philosophy of Thomas Kuhn | No |
PHIL 22602 | The Fate of Autonomy | No |
PHIL 22960 | Bayesian Epistemology | Yes |
PHIL 22961 | Social Epistemology | No |
PHIL 22965 | Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science | No |
PHIL 23000 | Introduction to Metaphysics and Epistemology | No |
PHIL 23001 | Paradoxes | No |
PHIL 23022 | Agency and Virtual Reality: A Technophilosophical Exploration | No |
PHIL 23027 | Philosophy of Animal Minds: Canines and Companion Species | No |
PHIL 23028 | The Philosophy of Human-Animal Relationships | No |
PHIL 23401 | Philosophy and Science Fiction | No |
PHIL 23405 | History and Philosophy of Biology | No |
PHIL 23501 | Philosophy of Mind | Yes |
PHIL 23502 | Introduction to Philosophy of Mind | Yes |
PHIL 23540 | Other Minds | Yes |
PHIL 24010 | Meaning and Reference | Yes |
PHIL 24096 | Philosophy of Economics | No |
PHIL 24098 | Character and Comemrce | No |
PHIL 25000 | History of Philosophy I: Ancient Philosophy | No |
PHIL 25716 | The Linguistic Turn in Philosophy (Language, Meaning, Being) | Yes |
PHIL 26000 | History of Philosophy II: Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy | No |
PHIL 26701 | Descartes | No |
PHIL 28010 | Introduction to Philosophy of Language | Yes |
PHIL 28101 | Appearance and Reality: Perspectives Across Philosophical Traditions | No |
PHIL 284804 | Foucault | No |
PHIL 29200-01 | Junior/Senior Tutorial: Topic: Conceptions of Self | No |
PHIL 29408 | Intuitionistic Logic | No |
Paris study abroad | Free Will | No |