Philosophy COURSES

Approved electives from philosophy are listed below. 

Students are required to take:

  • One (1) approved course for to complete the “breadth” requirement (see table below)
  • Two (2) additional courses if intending to fulfill a “depth” requirement in philosophy
    • All courses approved as breadth courses can alternatively be applied to the depth requirement

Students may request approval of a course not on this list by submitting a proposal and rationale to the Cognitive Science Program Coordinator.


Courses marked with an asterisk (*) may be used to satisfy either the Disciplinary requirement or the Formal Foundations requirement, but not both.

PHIL 20012Accelerated Intro to LogicNo
PHIL 20100Introduction to Logic*No
PHIL 21114Philosophy of LogicNo
PHIL 21218Being and Goodness: Varieties of ConstitutivismNo
PHIL 21420Introduction to the Problem of Free WillNo
PHIL 21506Memory and Unity of a PersonNo
PHIL 21726The Mind/Body ProblemYes
PHIL 21730Aristotle’s MetaphysicsNo
PHIL 22000Introduction to the Philosophy of ScienceNo
PHIL 22202Modern Social Contract TheoryNo
PHIL 22277The Philosophy of Thomas KuhnNo
PHIL 22602The Fate of AutonomyNo
PHIL 22960Bayesian EpistemologyYes
PHIL 22961Social EpistemologyNo
PHIL 22965Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of ScienceNo
PHIL 23000Introduction to Metaphysics and EpistemologyNo
PHIL 23001ParadoxesNo
PHIL 23022Agency and Virtual Reality: A Technophilosophical ExplorationNo
PHIL 23027Philosophy of Animal Minds: Canines and Companion SpeciesNo
PHIL 23028The Philosophy of Human-Animal RelationshipsNo
PHIL 23401Philosophy and Science FictionNo
PHIL 23405History and Philosophy of BiologyNo
PHIL 23501Philosophy of MindYes
PHIL 23502Introduction to Philosophy of MindYes
PHIL 23540Other MindsYes
PHIL 24010Meaning and ReferenceYes
PHIL 24096Philosophy of EconomicsNo
PHIL 24098Character and ComemrceNo
PHIL 25000History of Philosophy I: Ancient PhilosophyNo
PHIL 25716The Linguistic Turn in Philosophy (Language, Meaning, Being)Yes
PHIL 26000History of Philosophy II: Medieval and Early Modern PhilosophyNo
PHIL 26701DescartesNo
PHIL 28010Introduction to Philosophy of LanguageYes
PHIL 28101Appearance and Reality: Perspectives Across Philosophical TraditionsNo
PHIL 284804FoucaultNo
PHIL 29200-01Junior/Senior Tutorial: Topic: Conceptions of SelfNo
PHIL 29408Intuitionistic LogicNo
Paris study abroadFree WillNo
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