Culture and Action Network

John Levi Martin

John Levi Martin

Professor, Department of Sociology

John has researched the formal properties of belief systems and social structures, and has written books on how to think through theory, methods, and statistics.

Learn more about John

Hyunku Kwon

Hyunku Kwon

PhD Student

Hyunku’s research interests include culture, politics, cognition, and networks. In particular, using computational, network, and statistical analysis, he investigates the formation and consequences of political polarization in the US at mass and elite levels.

Learn more about Hyunku

Maurice Bokanga

Maurice Bokanga

PhD Student

Maurice uses quantitative methods and mathematical models to study how economic exchange and prosocial behavior shape each other.

Learn more about Maurice

Timothy Elder

Timothy Elder

PhD Student

Tim’s current research examines the contemporary practice of palliative medicine, and how healthcare providers render treatment recommendations to patients suffering life-limiting and terminal illnesses.

Learn more about Tim

Alessandra Lembo

Alessandra Lembo

Postdoc, UChicago

Alessandra’s research is focused on the relationship between experience, the body, and meaning. She has looked at how differences in aesthetic biography yield variations in the meanings of cultural objects, and at how the body extracts meaning from experiences.

Learn more about Alessandra

Austin Kozlowski

Austin Kozlowski

Postdoc, UChicago

Austin uses computational, statistical, and qualitative methods to investigate the relations between cultural rifts and political divisions in the contemporary United States.

Learn more about Austin

Benjamin Rohr

Benjamin Rohr

Postdoc, University of Mannheim

Benjamin’s research examines the emergence of the first political parties in late eighteenth-century America. He applies statistical, network, and computational methods to investigate the relations between social networks, political careers, and party formation.

Learn more about Benjamin

Shilin Jia

Shilin Jia

Postdoc, UChicago

Shilin studies public attention in the United States as reflected in Google’s search records.

Learn more about Shilin

Elizabeth Gray

Elizabeth Gray

Visiting Scholar, UC Santa Cruz

Lizzy’s current research centers on close relationships such as marriages and sexual partnerships. She looks at formal relationship structures in both quotidian and novel circumstances, asking how role regimes are accomplished and maintained, and how situational imperatives shape symbolic, negotiated orders.

Learn more about Elizabeth

CAN Alumni

Nick Judd

Nick Judd

UL Research Institutes

Nick Judd uses quantitative, qualitative, and computational methodologies to study the social structure of political action.

Learn more about Nick

Chad Borkenhagen

Chad Borkenhagen


Chad studies culture, organizations, knowledge, and technology using qualitative and computational methods. His dissertation explores the social consequences of science’s growing influence in finance and the culinary arts.

Learn more about Chad

Xiangyu Ma

Xiangyu Ma

Asst. Prof. NTU Singapore

Xiangyu (XY) uses of computational techniques to study moral phenomena in “cultural” markets, such as the literary arts, televisual arts, and music

Learn more about Xiangyu