Fowler, Anthony, Seth J. Hill, Jeffrey B. Lewis, Chris Tausanovitch, Lynn Vavreck, and Christopher Warshaw. 2024. Assessing Moderation and Multidimensionality with Mixture Models: A Reply to Broockman and Lauderdale.
Fowler, Anthony. 2024. Term Limits. Democracy Reform Primer Series. University of Chicago Center for Effective Government.
Fowler, Anthony. 2023. Who Should You Trust? Why Appeals to Scientific Consensus Are Often Uncompelling. Skeptic 28(4):66-73.
Fowler, Anthony and B. Pablo Montagnes. 2023. On The Importance of Independent Evidence: A Reply to Graham Et Al. JOP Blogpost.
Fowler, Anthony and Stephane Wolton. 2023. A Letter from the Editors-in-Chief. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 18(1):1-3.
Fowler, Anthony. 2022. America’s Silent Majority is Alive and Well–and More Moderate Than Either Party. Newsweek.
Fowler, Anthony. 2022. Most Americans Are Ideologically Moderate. American Politics and Policy Blog, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Fowler, Anthony. 2022. How Political Polling Can Reflect America’s Moderate Majority. Smerconish.
Fowler, Anthony and B. Pablo Montagnes. 2022. Irrelevant Events like College Football Games Do Not Likely Influence Elections. JOP Blogpost.
Berry, Christopher R. and Anthony Fowler. 2021. Does Leadership Matter? Natural History, March pp. 12-15.
Fowler, Anthony. 2021. Defending Sober Voters against Sensationalist Scholars: A Reply to Rogers. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 15(2):213-219.
Fowler, Anthony. 2020. America Needs Compulsory Voting. Foreign Affairs.
Working Group on Universal Voting. 2020. Lift Every Voice: The Urgency of Universal Civic Duty Voting. Brookings Institution Report.
Fowler, Anthony, Haritz Garro, and Jorg Spenkuch. 2020. Quid Pro Quo? Corporate Returns to Campaign Contributions. CATO Research Briefs in Economic Policy No. 217.
Fowler, Anthony. 2020. Curing coronavirus isn’t a job for social scientists. Bloomberg.
Fowler, Anthony. 2019. But Shouldn’t That Work Against Me? The Political Methodologist.
Fowler, Anthony and Andrew B. Hall. 2018. Politics as if Evidence Mattered: A Reply to Achen and Bartels.
Fowler, Anthony. 2018. Better Representation through Replacement. Conference on Political Polarization, University of Chicago.
Fowler, Anthony. 2017. The Negative Effect Fallacy, Gobbledygook, and Quantitative Evidence in the Supreme Court. Election Law Blog.
Fowler, Anthony. 2017. Chief Justice Roberts and other judges have a hard time with statistics. That’s a real problem. The Monkey Cage.
Fowler, Anthony. 2017. A Case for More Incumbents. Conference on Electoral Reform, University of Chicago.
Fowler, Anthony. 2016. Football games, shark attacks, and why voters may not be so incompetent after all. UChicago News.
Berry, Christopher R. and Anthony Fowler. 2016. Congressional Committee Membership Is Less Important Than Previous Thought, but Chairs Are Really Influential. American Politics and Policy Blog, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Fowler, Anthony and B. Pablo Montagnes. 2015. Reply to Healy et al.: Value of ex ante predictions and independent tests for assessing false-positive results. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(48)E6592. Online response to HMM.
Fowler, Anthony and Andrew B. Hall. 2015. Elections Have Big Consequences that Last for Decades. American Politics and Policy Blog, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Fowler, Anthony. 2014. Is Get-Out-the-Vote Bad for Democracy? Boston Review.
Fowler, Anthony. 2014. Marginal Voters Are More Likely to Vote Democratic. American Politics and Policy Blog, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Fowler, Anthony and Michele Margolis. 2014. A More Informed Electorate Would Benefit the Democratic Party. American Politics and Policy Blog, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Enos, Ryan D. and Anthony Fowler. 2014. Get Out the Vote Interventions Increase Inequality in Voter Turnout. American Politics and Policy Blog, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Enos, Ryan D. and Anthony Fowler. 2014. The Surprising Parity of the 2012 Ground Game. The Monkey Cage.
Enos, Ryan D. and Anthony Fowler. 2013. Obama’s Voter Mobilization Was Barely More Effective than Romney’s. The Monkey Cage.
Fowler, Anthony and Michele Margolis. 2012. Knowing Where You Stand: How Informing the Voters Helps the Democrats. Boston Review.
Panagopoulous, Costas, Conor M. Dowling, Ryan D. Enos, and Anthony Fowler. 2011. Amici Brief to the Supreme Court of the United States, Arizona Free Enterprise v. Bennett.
Enos, Ryan D. and Anthony Fowler. 2010. Does YOUR Vote Count? YouGov Model Politics Blog.
Enos, Ryan D. and Anthony Fowler. 2010. Do Americans Care about Politics? YouGov Model Politics Blog.