After a packed month of speakers and conferences, the Workshop looks forward to a busy spring. After Houston Smit’s upcoming visit, we close the quarter with our own Pascal Brixel. The schedule for next quarter is as follows:
April 11: Jessica Tizzard (University of Chicago)
“Subjective Grounds of Willing in Kant’s Practical Philosophy”
April 25: Paul Redding (University of Sydney)
May 2: Hans Sluga (University of California, Berkeley) – Joint meeting with Wittgenstein Workshop
May 9: Tom Evnen (University of Chicago)
“Kant and Hegel on the Non-Discursive Intellect”
May 23: Rafeeq Hasan (University of Chicago)
“Independence versus Need: Kant on Poverty”
June 6: Ariel Zylberman (University of Toronto)
“The Public Form of Law: The Second-Personal Constitution of Freedom”