Spring 2025 Schedule

All meetings will take place on Fridays from 3:00-5:20pm in Wieboldt Hall, Room 408.

March 28: Anton Ford (UChicago), “Help”

April 18: Jack Fantini (UChicago), Title TBA

May 2: Karl von der Luft (UChicago), Title TBA

May 9: Maggie Sandholm (UChicago), Title TBA

May 16: Chandler Hatch (Nazarbayev University), Title TBA

Winter 2025 Schedule

All meetings will take place on Fridays from 3:00-5:20pm in Wieboldt Hall, Room 408.

January 17: Greg Brown (UChicago), “Anscombe on Soul and Substance”

January 24: Samuel Wheeler (UChicago), “‘Why Just This One Bogey?’: Wittgenstein on the Fear of Contradiction”

January 31: Thomas Pendlebury (UChicago), “The Objects of Kant’s Copernican Assumption”

February 14: Kate Petroff (UChicago), “Was Marx a Republican?”

February 28: Jonas Held (Leipzig), “An Asymmetry Within the First Person: Wittgenstein on Moore’s Paradox and the Use of the Verb ‘Believe'”

March 7: Gray Reichl (UChicago), “Kant on Empirical Moral Concepts”


Autumn 2024 Schedule

All meetings will take place on Fridays from 3:00-5:20pm in Wieboldt Hall, Room 408.

October 11: Anastasia Berg (UC Irvine), “Kant’s Subordination Thesis”

October 25: Rose Flinn (Cambridge), “Frege’s Puzzle and Forms of Perception”

November 8: Jacob McDowell (UChicago), “Charles Travis and Wittgenstein on Senses and Shadows”

November 22: Andrew Beddow (UChicago), “How is Humanity the Matter of the Moral Law?”

Spring 2024 Schedule

All meetings will be held on Fridays from 3:00-5:20pm. Unless otherwise specified, meetings will take place in Wieboldt Hall, Room 408.

March 29*: Anton Ford (UChicago), “The Objectification of Agency”. (*Joint meeting with the Practical Philosophy Workshop. The meeting will be held in Wieboldt 408, from 3:00-5:20pm.)

April 5: Mike Kołodziej (UChicago), “The Concrete Composite: Hegel’s Dialectic of Mechanism as a Response to Kant’s Second Antinomy”

April 12: Karl Schafer (UT Austin), “Alienation, Intelligibility, and Idealism in Post-Kantian Metaethics”

April 26: Jacob McDowell (UChicago), “Thomas Kuhn and the Causal Theory of Reference”

May 3**: Cora Diamond (University of Virginia, Emerita), “When does something have a function in the language? Thoughts about Michael Kremer on mathematics and meaning”. (**Workshop meeting with Cora Diamond will be online-only, via Zoom.)

May 17: Karl von der Luft (UChicago), “A Critique of Heidegger’s Account of Truth”

Winter 2024 Schedule

All meetings will take place on Fridays from 3:00-5:20pm in Wieboldt Hall, Room 408.

January 12: Thomas Pendlebury (UChicago), “The Kantian’s Desire”

January 19: Maggie Sandholm (UChicago), “The Character of Self-experience”

January 26: Amy Levine (UChicago), “The “anxious possibility of being able” and the “enigmatic word”: Seeking a Theory of Agency in Kierkegaard’s The Concept of Anxiety”

February 9: Michael Powell (UChicago), “Anscombe and Strawson on ‘I'”

February 16: Adrian Haddock (Leipzig), “‘I’ and ‘NN’: Self-Consciousness and Mutual Recognition”

March 1: Adam Katwan (UChicago), “Kant on Purposiveness, the Peculiarity of Human Reason, and the Supersensible”

Fall 2023 Schedule

All meetings will take place on Fridays from 3:00-5:20pm in Wieboldt Hall, Room 408.

September 29: Paskalina Bourbon (UChicago), “Justification Reconsidered”

October 13: Greg Brown (UChicago), “Ontology Made Difficult”

October 27: Irad Kimhi (UChicago), “Of What Must One Remain Silent?”

November 3*: Jed Lewinsohn (University of Pittsburgh), “The ‘Natural Unintelligibility’ of Normative Powers”. (*Joint meeting with the Practical Philosophy Workshop. The paper will be distributed, and is to be read in advance of the meeting.)

November 10: Alix Cohen (University of Notre Dame), “In Defense of Epistemic Autonomy: A Kantian Proposal”

November 17: Laurenz Ramsauer (UChicago), “The Emotional Labor of Enlightenment”

Spring Schedule 2023

Spring Schedule:

March 24: Andrew Beddow, “Kant as a Lutheran Apologist” 

March 31: Jason Bridges “The Unity of Inference” (joint meeting with Theoretical Philosophy Workshop at GPW’s normal time/place)

April 14: Angelica Nuzzo (CUNY), “Spirit as the Other to Nature—A Reflection in Hegel’s Aftermath”

May 12: Michael Powell, “Anscombe on ‘I’ and the Logical Role of Referring” 

Winter 2023 Schedule

Note: All Winter Quarter meetings will take place in a new location, Cobb Hall 102, at our usual day and time (Fridays from 3:00-5:20pm) 

January 6:  David Wellbery (UChicago Germanic Studies), “Goethe on Tragedy” (Joint Session with the Literature and Philosophy Workshop

January 20: Brook Ziporyn (UChicago Divinity), “Missed Exit: How the Hegel of 1802 Almost Became a Chinese Philosopher”  

January 27: Irad Kimhi (UChicago Social Thought), “On the Exhibitionism that Modesty Hides (Logical Understanding and the Theory of Meaning)” 

February 3: Michelle Kosch (Cornell), “Recognition After Fichte”  

February 10: Andrew Beddow (UChicago Philosophy), “Kant as a Lutheran Apologist”  

February 24: David Kretz (UChicago Germanic Studies/Social Thought), “Kant on the Forms of Historical Agency” (meeting will take place over Zoom

March 3:  Kristen De Man (UChicago Philosophy), (title TBD)


Fall 2022 Schedule

September 30:  Michael Kremer (UChicago), “Margaret MacDonald’s Wittgenstein: What She Learned from Him, and What She Did with It.”

October 14  Paskalina Bourbon (UChicago), “Getting out of the Race: Deduction and Lewis Carroll’s Achilles and the Tortoise Paradox”

*Monday* October 24:  Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen):  “Observation, Interaction, Communication: the Role of the Second Person” (Note: This is a Joint Session with the Practical Philosophy Workshop, taking place from 6:00-8:00pm in Cobb Hall 202.)

November 4 Laurenz Ramsauer (UChicago) “Kant’s Problem with the Concept of Humanity”

November 18:  Wim Vanrie (Ghent University): “Tautology and Showing in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus

December 2: Jed Lewinsohn (University of Pittsburgh): “The ‘Natural Unintelligibility’ of Normative Powers.” (Joint session with Practical Philosophy Workshop taking place in our (GPW’s) usual time/place (Friday, 3:00-5:20 in Wieboldt 408))

Spring 2021 Schedule

Spring Schedule:

All talks will take place via Zoom, from 3:00 to 5:20pm unless otherwise noted.

Friday, April 16: Andreja Novakovic (Berkeley) “Self-Surprise in Hegel’s Subjective Logic”

Friday, April 30: Melina Garibovic (Chicago) “The Experience of Others”

Friday, May 14: Anastasia Berg (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Title TBA **Begins at 1pm**

Friday, May 28: Katharina Kraus (Notre Dame) “Kant on Self-Knowledge and Self-Formation” *Begins at 11am**

Friday, June 4: Justin Shaddock (Williams College) “Kant on the Highest Good, Happiness, and Hylomorphism”