Three Kant events next week

The German Philosophy Workshop is proud to begin our year with three events featuring two major Kant scholars.

On Wednesday, October 8 from 5:00-6:30 PM in Cobb 107, Marcus Willaschek (Goethe Universität Frankfurt) will discuss his paper “Right and Coercion: Can Kant’s Conception of Right be Derived from his Moral Theory?”. This meeting will be a joint session of the Practical Philosophy and German Philosophy Workshops; the paper should be read in advance. In addition, there are two optional readings: Michael Nance’s response to Willaschek’s piece, and Willaschek’s rejoinder.

On Thursday, October 9 from 1:30-3:00 PM in Cobb 403, Marcus Willaschek will discuss his paper “The Sensibility of Human Intuition: Kant’s Causal Condition on Accounts of Representation”. This paper need not be read in advance of the meeting, since Prof. Willaschek will give a lightly abridged version of it as a lecture.

On Friday, October 10 from 1:30-4:30 in Cobb 112, Marcus Willaschek and Eric Watkins (UCSD) will present their co-authored paper, “Kant’s Account of Cognition”. This paper should be read in advance of the meeting, as Profs. Willaschek and Watkins will only make some preliminary remarks about their joint project before discussion begins.