Spring 2024 Schedule

All meetings will be held on Fridays from 3:00-5:20pm. Unless otherwise specified, meetings will take place in Wieboldt Hall, Room 408.

March 29*: Anton Ford (UChicago), “The Objectification of Agency”. (*Joint meeting with the Practical Philosophy Workshop. The meeting will be held in Wieboldt 408, from 3:00-5:20pm.)

April 5: Mike Kołodziej (UChicago), “The Concrete Composite: Hegel’s Dialectic of Mechanism as a Response to Kant’s Second Antinomy”

April 12: Karl Schafer (UT Austin), “Alienation, Intelligibility, and Idealism in Post-Kantian Metaethics”

April 26: Jacob McDowell (UChicago), “Thomas Kuhn and the Causal Theory of Reference”

May 3**: Cora Diamond (University of Virginia, Emerita), “When does something have a function in the language? Thoughts about Michael Kremer on mathematics and meaning”. (**Workshop meeting with Cora Diamond will be online-only, via Zoom.)

May 17: Karl von der Luft (UChicago), “A Critique of Heidegger’s Account of Truth”