RMPW Workshop Materials


Hong and her colleagues taught a half-day professional development course “New Weighting Methods for Causal Mediation Analysis” at the 2015 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). The course can be viewed on-demand through the AERA-Virtual Research Learning Center (VRLC).

The RMPW workshop materials can be downloaded from here. The zipped folder contains the following files:

STATA files (prepared by Jonah Deutsch)

SAS files (prepared by Yihua Hong)

R files (prepared by Xu Qin)

Users familiar with one of these statistical software programs should save the data file and the code in the following directory:

C:\ AERA 2015 PD\RMPW\

The above programs are suitable for mediation analysis with a binary treatment and with a binary or multivalued mediator as well as for conducting moderated mediation analysis. The data file contains variables selected from the National Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work Strategies (NEWWS) Riverside, California public-use data. This data example is analogous to the data used for illustration in Chapter 11 of the book.