Thursday, May 5, 2016, 12:00-1:15pm (Common Room)
Paul C.H. Lim, “Global Evangelicals and the Fight Against Human Trafficking: Snapshots from India, Korea and the US”
Paul C.H. Lim is Associate Professor of the History of Christianity at Vanderbilt Divinity School, specializing in Reformation- and post-Reformation Europe. His latest book, Mystery Unveiled: The Crisis of the Trinity in Early Modern England (Oxford, 2012), won the 2013 Roland H. Bainton Prize as the best book in history/theology by the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. He has published two other books in that area: The Cambridge Companion to Puritanism (Cambridge, 2008); and In Pursuit of Purity, Unity, and Liberty: Richard Baxter’s Puritan Ecclesiology in Context (Brill, 2004). In addition, history of evangelicalism and global Christianities are his other foci of research. Currently, he is writing a book on the transformation of global evangelical attitudes toward and endeavors on eradication of human trafficking and structural poverty.
Co-sponsored by the Religions in the Americas Workshop. Lunch will be provided.