Susan Goldin-Meadow



University of Chicago
Department of Psychology
5848 S. University Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Phone: (773) 702-2585, 702-1562
Fax: (773) 702-0320

1967-1971 Smith College, B.A
1969-1970 Institut des Sciences de l’Education, Geneva, Switzerland
1971-1975 University of Pennsylvania
M.A. in Psychology, 1972
Ph.D. in Psychology, 1975
Academic Positions

Academic Positions

2006-Present Beardsley Ruml Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago
2001-2005 Irving B. Harris Professor, University of Chicago
1992-2001 Full Professor
Department of Psychology, Committee on Human Development, Department of Education,The Center for East Asian Studies, and the College
University of Chicago
1981-1992 Associate Professor, University of Chicago
Jan-May 1981 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Illinois
Department of Psychology
University of Illinois at Champaign
1976-1981 Assistant Professor, University of Chicago
Honors & Awards
1969-1970 Junior Year Abroad (Smith College), Geneva Switzerland
1971 B.A., Magna cum laude with honors in psychology, Smith College
1971 Sigma Xi, Smith College
1971-1975 NICHHD Graduate Trainee, University of Pennsylvania
1974-1975 Spencer Foundation Research Award, University of Pennsylvania
The spontaneous generation of a language: The study of deaf children of hearing parents (with H. Feldman)
1975 AAUW Predoctoral Fellowship Award
1975 NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, awarded
1979 Ten Outstanding Young Citizens Award for Professional Achievement presented by the Chicago Junior Association of Commerce and Industry
1998 Research Grant from the Isaac & Viola H. Stern Endowment Fund for Extraordinary Service to the University
1998-2003 NIH Study Section (BBBP-3, Language and Communication)
1999-2000 Member, Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood Development, sponsored by the Board on Children, Youth, and Families of the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine
2000-2001 James McKeen Cattell Fellowship
2000-2001 John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship
2001 Irving B. Harris Professorship in Psychology
2002-2003 Chair, Committee to select the recipient of the Mentor Award, American Psychological Association, Division 7
2003-2006 Representative from the Linguistic Society of America to the Psychology Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
2003 APS William James Distinguished Lecture
2004 Invited to present the Nijmegen Lectures, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
2004-2009 Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum, Advisory Board
2004-2008 Advisory Council of the National Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health
2004- Founding Editor, Language Learning and Development
2005 Invited to present a Master Lecture at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association
2005 & 2006 APA Science Leadership Conference
2006 Beardsley Ruml Distinguished Service Professor
2006 Offered a Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
2007 Book Award from the Cognitive Development Society for “Hearing Gestures:  How Our Hands Help Us Think”
2007 Selection committee for the Division 7 Bronfenbrenner and G. Stanley Hall awards
2007 Elected to honorary membership, Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi beta Kappa
2008 Member of the committee appointed by the Israeli Council for Higher Education to evaluate the field of psychology and behavioral sciences in Israel
2009 APA Distinguished Scientist Lecturer
2009 APA Presidential Address (Division 7)
2009 Boyd McCandless Lecture
2010 James and Eleanor Gibson Lecture
2010 Hersh Leibowitz Lecture
2010-2012 President (2011-2012), Vice-President (2010-2011), Phi Beta Kappa Chapter of The University of Chicago
2010-2011 Chair, Committee to select the 2011 recipients of the Janet Taylor Spence Award, Association for Psychological Science
2010-2011 Chair, Committee to select the recipient of the 2012 Mentor Award, American Psychological Association, Division 7
2011-2014 Chair, Committee to select Fellows, Cognitive Science
2011 Spiker Memorial Lecture
2011 Member of a Blue Ribbon Panel to advise Qatar on developing Behavioral and Social Sciences (Enhancing Qatar’s National Research Enterprise:  A review of the Qatar National Research Strategy)
2012 J.R. Kantor Lecutre in Psychology
2013 Member of the Foundation Board of the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (FABBS)
2013-2016 Member of the Committee on Scientific Awards, APA
2013 Lyle Lanier Lecture in Psychology
2015 Invited to give a keyote address at the 6th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome, Italy
2015 William James Award for lifetime achievement in basic research, Association for Psychological Science
2015-2017 AAAS John P. McGovern Award Selection Committee, member
2015-16 Invited fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (I was unable to accept the invitation)
2017 Selected to present the Nora and Edward Ryerson Lecture at the University of Chicago
Elected Fellow
1992 Elected Fellow, American Psychological Society (renamed teh Association for Psychological Science)
2002 Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2002 Elected Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division 7 (Developmental Psychology)
2003 Elected Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division 3 (Experimental Psychology)
2005 Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2007 Elected Fellow, Cognitive Science Society
2010 Elected Fellow, Linguistic Society of America
2014 Elected Fellow, Society of Experimenal Psychologists
2015 Elected Fellow, Psychonomic Society
Teaching Awards
1993 Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate Teaching
2003 Llewellyn John and Harriet Manchester Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
2011 APA Division 7 Developmental Psychology Mentor Award
Elected Positions
1999-2002 Member-at-Large, Section on Linguistics and Language Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2001-2007 President of the Cognitive Development Society
(President-Elect 2001-2003, Past President 2005-2007)
2005-2008 Chair of the Section on Linguistics and Language Sciences for the AAAS (Chair-Elect 2005-2006; Retiring Chair 2007-2008)
2007-2012 President, International Society for Gesture Studies
2008 Elected Member-at-Large of the Psychology Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2008-12)
2008 Elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Association for Psychological Science (2008-2011)
2009-2010 Elected Secretary of the Society for Research in Child Development
2009 Elected to the Governing Board of the Cognitive Science Society (2010-2015)
2012-2015 Chair, Cognitive Science Society (chair-elect, 2012-13, chair 2013-14, past-chair, 2014-15)
2014-2017 Chair of the Section on Psychology for the AAAS (Chair-Elect 2014-15, Chair 2015-16; Retiring Chair 2016-17)
2015-2018 President, Association for Psychological Science (President Elect 2015-2016, President 2016-2017, Past President 2017-2018)
University Service
1984-1988 Chair, Educational Psychology, University of Chicago
1987-1990 Chair, Developmental Psychology, University of Chicago
1988-1991 Committee of the Council, University Senate, University of Chicago
1989-1991 Chair, Committee to Formulate a Policy on Sexual Harassment
1995-1996 Chair, Human Development, University of Chicago
1999-2000 Chair, Human Development, University of Chicago
1996-1997 Committee to Advise on Selection of the Master of the Social Sciences
1997-1998 Committee to Evaluate Educational Research & Training at the University
1998-1999 Committee to Advise on Selection of the Dean of the Social Sciences
1998-2004 Board of Directors, University of Chicago Laboratory Schools
2002-2003 Committee to Consider a BA/MAT Degree at the University of Chicago
2002-2003 Committee to Advise on Selection of the Dean of the Social Sciences
2003-2004 Harper-Schmidt Fellows Selection Committee
2003-2004 Committee to Standardize Research Appointments in the Social Sciences
2004-2007 Advisory Board, Urban Teacher Education Program
2005-2008 Council of the University Senate, University of Chicago
2007-2008 Committee of the Council, University of Chicago
2010 Committee to Assess the University’s Relations with Chapin Hall
2010 Chair, Developmental Psychology
2011 Review Committee to choose the recipients of the 2011 Provost’s Career Enhancement Postdoctoral Scholarship
2012-2015 All University Disciplinary Committee
2013-2016 Individual Conflict of Interest Committee
2014-2017 University-wide Student Disciplinary Committee
2014 Social Science Division Advisory Committee to the Research Computing Center
2017-2020 Advisory Board, Neubauer Collegium
2017 Committee to Advise on the Selection of the Dean of the Social Sciences Division
2017 Cognitive Search, Department of Psychology
2017 Diversity Committee, Division of Social Sciences
Research Support

Internal Funding:

1976, 1977, 1979, 1982 Spencer Foundation Research Funds
University of Chicago
1976, 1977, 1989 Social Science Division Research Funds
University of Chicago
1977, 1978, 1980, 1989 Biomedical Research Support
University of Chicago
1981, 1982, 1983 Benton Educational Research Fund
University of Chicago
2013-16 The body’s role in thinking, performing and referencing: How we use our hands to act, gesture, and sign. Funded by the Neubauer Family Collegium for Culture and Society (with D. Brentari, A. Giannakidou, S. Beilock)
2014-17 The Effects of Language and Gesture on Math Learning in Indian Preschoolers. Funded by the University of Chicago Center in New Delhi (with E. Spelke, Harvard University)
2016-17 Dance as Gesture. Funded by the University of Chicago Center in New Delhi (with H. Saussy, A. Giannakidou, D. Brentari, D. Casasanto)

External Funding:

1977-1980 National Science Foundation Research Grant. Creation of a Language-like System by Deaf Children
1980-1981 National Science Foundation Research Grant. Creation of a Language-like System by Deaf Children: The Late Stages
1980-1982 Spencer Foundation Research Grant. Creation of a Language-like system by Deaf Children: The Late Stages
1982-1983 Spencer Foundation Research Grant. Environmental Influences on Morphology in a Spontaneous Gesture System Developed by Deaf Children of Hearing Parents
1984-1986 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Research Grant. Transitional Knowledge in the Acquisition of Concepts.
1984-1988 National Science Foundation Research Grant. Development of Morphology under Atypical Language Learning Conditions
1987-1990 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Research Grant. Transitional Knowledge in the Acquisition of Concepts (continuation)
1988-1992 National Science Foundation Research Grant. Morphology in the Spontaneous Sign Systems of American and Chinese Deaf Children
1988-1993 National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke Research Grant. Spontaneous Sign Systems in Chinese and American Children
1993-1995 March of Dimes. The Changing Role of Gesture in Relation to Speech in Children with Congenital Brain Damage
1993-1996 National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke Research Grant. Spontaneous Sign Systems in Chinese and American Children (continuation)
1994-1996 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Gesture-Speech Mismatch and Transitions in Learning
1995-2000 Spencer Foundation Research Grant. Gesture-Speech Mismatch as an Educational Tool: Using the Hand to Read the Mind
1996-2000 March of Dimes. The Role of Gesture in Relation to Speech in Congenitally Blind Children
1996-2001 National Institute of Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders Grant. Spontaneous Sign Systems in Chinese and American Children (continuation)
2001-2006 National Institute of Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders Grant. Spontaneous Sign Systems in Four Cultures (continuation)
2002-2007 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Program Project. Environmental & Biological Variation and Language Growth (PI of Project)
2004-2009 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.  The Role of Gesture in Learning
2006-2011 National Institute of Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders Grant.  Spontaneous Sign Systems in Five Cultures (continuation)
2008-2013 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Program Project.  Environmental & Biological Variation and Language Growth (PI of Project, continuation).
2008-2011 March of Dimes.  Patterns of Gesture and Speech Use by Congenitally Blind Children in Two Cultures.
2009-2014 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The Role of Gesture in Learning (continuation).
2009-2012 National Science Foundation. The Role of Gesture in Learning.
2011-2016 National Science Foundation: Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center (SILC, co-PI, continuation)
2011-2016 National Institute of Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders Grant.  From Spontaneous Sign Systems to Language (continuation)
2013-2018 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Program Project.  Environmental & Biological Variation and Language Growth (PI of Project, continuation: 2nd percentile)
2014-2017 National Science Foundation.  Gesture’s Role in Word Learning (collaborative grant with Karin James at Indiana University)
2016-19 National Science Foundation. Harnessing Gesture and Action to Improve Pre-Algebra Instruction.
2016-19 National Science Foundation (SL-CN). The Role fo Gesture in Mathematics Learning: From Research to Practice.
2017-2020 Economic and Social Researh Council (ESRC), UK. The Role of Iconicity in Word Learning (Investigator; G. Vigliocco is PI)
2017-2022 National Science Foundation (Linguistics). Language Emergence in the Manual Modality
Associated Activities
NSF Linguistics Grant Review Panel: May 1992

NIH Study Section: Special Emphasis Panel June 1993;
Communication Sciences and Disorders, and Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes 3 Study Sections: 1998-2003

Founding Editor: Language Learning and Development, 2005-

Associate Editor: Developmental Psychology, 1994-1997; Cognitive Science, 2006-2011

Board of Advisors: Jean Piaget Society, 1994-1997, 2000-2003

Editorial Board: Applied Psycholinguistics, 1979-81, 1988-91, 2002-06. Cognitive Development, 2001-2007. Gesture, 2001-. Cognitive Science, 2005-2006. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2006-2007; Languages, Interaction & Acquisition, 2008-.

Editorial Consultant: Cognition, Child Development, Cognitive Development, Cognitive Psychology, Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, Language and Speech, Developmental Psychology, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Science, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, Volta Review, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Memory and Language, Journal of Child Language, Journal of Comparative Psychology, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Educational Psychology, Memory & Cognition, New England Journal of Medicine, British Journal of Psychology

Review Consultant: National Science Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, The New York Academy of Sciences, National Institutes of Health, March of Dimes

Review Panel: Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Boston University Child Language Conference

Program Committee: Cognitive Science, 2005

Advisory Council: HI-MAPS Project of the David T. Siegel Institute, Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois (Hearing handicapped Infants providing Medical, Academic, and Psychological Services), 1980-1983

Meeting to discuss strategic planning of extramural funding in the Language, Bilingual, and Biliteracy Development and Disorders portfolio, Child Development and Behavior Branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, December 2003

National Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Advisory Council, National Institutes of Health, 2004-2008

American Academy of Arts and Sciences
American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow, 2002)
American Psychological Society (Fellow, 1992)
American Psychological Association (Fellow, 2002)
American Speech and Hearing Association
Linguistic Society of America (Fellow, 2010)
Society for Research in Child Development