Jake Burchard at the History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop

Dear all,

Please join us this Wednesday, January 22nd from 4:30PM – 6PM at the John Hope Franklin Room (SSRB 224). We are welcoming Jake Burchard (PhD Candidate in Sociology, University of Chicago). Jake is presenting his article draft “Locked Out: The Political Economy of American Homeownership, 1985-2022.” You may access the draft here using the password home1. Luc Barter Moulaison (PhD Student in Political Science, University of Chicago) has kindly agreed to serve as Jake’s discussant. We will have some light refreshments and a Zoom link will be available upon request.


This week we are featuring Robert and Helen Lynd’s 1929 classic sociological study about Muncie, Indiana: Middletown.


We hope to see you there!

All best,

Ada and Xiaoyu

Atman Mehta at the HTC Workshop “The Last Bretton Woodser: the Postwar Origins of the Volcker Shock”

Dear All,
I hope you enjoyed the sunshine today! We invite you to join the second session of the HTC Workshop for the winter quarter. We are delighted to have Atman Mehta, PhD Student in History, present his work “The Last Bretton Woodser: the Postwar Origins of the Volcker Shock.”
The event will be held on Wednesday, January 15th from 4:30PM to 6PM in Pick 115 (inside CISSR). Eduardo Terra-Romero, a PhD candidate in History, will serve as the discussant.
This graph shows the federal funds effective rate, inflation rate, and unemployment rate between 1979 and 1987.
Have a wonderful weekend and best wishes for a productive 2025.
Warmest regards,
Xiaoyu and Ada


Dear all,

Happy new year and welcome back to the History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop! We have an exciting and busy schedule ahead of us this winter, which you may review here.

Please join us for our first session of the quarter. We are welcoming Professor Melanie Meng Xue (Assistant Professor of Economic History, London School of Economics), who will present a paper she co-wrote with Xizi Luo (Economic History, London School of Economics). The paper is titled  “Enlightenment under Autocracy: The Origins of Liberalism in China” and you may access it here with the password china1.

Professor Xue’s presentation will take place this Wednesday, January 8th from 4:30PM – 6PM at the John Hope Franklin Room (SSRB 224). Professor Kenneth Pomeranz (History, University of Chicago) has kindly agreed to serve as the discussant. As always, light refreshments will be served and a Zoom link will be available upon request.

This is Portrait of Wang Yangming (1472-1529), anonymous, Qing dynasty.

Please reach out if you have any questions or requests.

Thanks and see you Wednesday,

Ada and Xiaoyu

Eduardo Terra-Romero at the History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop

Dear all,

Please join us for our last session of the quarter! We are very grateful for your generous participation this quarter and hope to keep it up in this last session and throughout the upcoming quarters.

We are welcoming Eduardo Terra-Romero (PhD candidate in History), who will present his dissertation chapter “A Giant in Decline? Brazil and Foreign Debt, 1968 – 1987.” You may access Eduardo’s chapter here with the password brazil20.

We are co-hosting this event with the Latin American History Workshop (LAHW) on Thursday, December 5th from 4:30PM – 6PM at Pick Hall 118. Please note the day change from Wednesday to Thursday and the location change. William Birdthistle (Professor from Practice at the University of Chicago Law School and PhD candidate in History) has kindly agreed to serve as the discussant.















This photograph is titled “Seventy-Seven Developing Countries Prepare Declaration for Conference on Trade and Development.” It was taken in Geneva c. June 15th, 1964. Credit goes to UN Photo/SZ.

As always, refreshments will be served and a Zoom link will be available upon request. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Best wishes and happy holidays,

Ada and Xiaoyu


Moritz Neugebauer at the History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop

Dear all,

Please join us this Wednesday, November 20th from 4:30 – 6PM at Pick Hall 105 (inside CISSR). We are welcoming Moritz Neugebauer to the History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop. Moritz is a postdoctoral researcher at the Humboldt University Berlin and a postdoctoral visitor at the University of Chicago. His work is at the intersection of history and cultural studies. Moritz will present his article draft “From Cosmic Disorder to Capitalist Slavery: Spectral Bodies and Indeterminate Woe in Post-Reformation England.” You may access the draft here with the password dialectic1529. Patrick Graham (PhD candidate in History, University of Chicago) has kindly agreed to serve as the discussant. As always, light refreshments will be served and we will provide a Zoom link upon request. Please join us for an optional gathering at the Pub after Moritz’s presentation.






















This is an illustration from John Ogilby’s The Fables of Aesop (c. 1651 – 1665).

See you Wednesday and please reach out if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Ada and Xiaoyu