The History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop supports scholarship from across the humanities and social sciences that explores the development of capitalist societies through a critical lens. It approaches the capitalist system as a historical product of social, cultural, and political discourses, ideas, and practices. The Workshop focuses scholarly attention on questions of knowledge, social relations of power, and domination within the context of embedded economic practices.

We welcome papers by graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty from all departments as well as by guests from beyond the University of Chicago. Workshop papers may be drafts of dissertation chapters, journal articles, book chapters, and dissertation proposals.


The Workshop will meet on select Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:00 PM both in person and over Zoom.

The workshop is open to the public.

You can subscribe to our listserv here if you haven’t done so already.



Workshop Coordinators:

Xiaoyu Gao, PhD Candidate in History (xiaoyugao@uchicago.edu)

Adaline “Ada” Torres, PhD Candidate in History (adalinetorres@uchicago.edu)


Faculty Sponsors:

Mary Hicks (History)

Gabriel Winant (History)