Moritz Neugebauer at the History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop

Dear all,

Please join us this Wednesday, November 20th from 4:30 – 6PM at Pick Hall 105 (inside CISSR). We are welcoming Moritz Neugebauer to the History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop. Moritz is a postdoctoral researcher at the Humboldt University Berlin and a postdoctoral visitor at the University of Chicago. His work is at the intersection of history and cultural studies. Moritz will present his article draft “From Cosmic Disorder to Capitalist Slavery: Spectral Bodies and Indeterminate Woe in Post-Reformation England.” You may access the draft here with the password dialectic1529. Patrick Graham (PhD candidate in History, University of Chicago) has kindly agreed to serve as the discussant. As always, light refreshments will be served and we will provide a Zoom link upon request. Please join us for an optional gathering at the Pub after Moritz’s presentation.






















This is an illustration from John Ogilby’s The Fables of Aesop (c. 1651 – 1665).

See you Wednesday and please reach out if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Ada and Xiaoyu