Jake Burchard at the History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop

Dear all,

Please join us this Wednesday, January 22nd from 4:30PM – 6PM at the John Hope Franklin Room (SSRB 224). We are welcoming Jake Burchard (PhD Candidate in Sociology, University of Chicago). Jake is presenting his article draft “Locked Out: The Political Economy of American Homeownership, 1985-2022.” You may access the draft here using the password home1. Luc Barter Moulaison (PhD Student in Political Science, University of Chicago) has kindly agreed to serve as Jake’s discussant. We will have some light refreshments and a Zoom link will be available upon request.


This week we are featuring Robert and Helen Lynd’s 1929 classic sociological study about Muncie, Indiana: Middletown.


We hope to see you there!

All best,

Ada and Xiaoyu