Monday, October 15, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm, Swift 208
On October 15th, the Hebrew Bible Workshop, the Early Christian Studies Workshop, and the Craft of Teaching will be co-sponsoring an event that will offer a unique, field-specific perspective on the job market. The panel will bring together two DivSchool Professors with two former advisees who have recently been hired as Faculty in institutions of higher learning. On the Hebrew Bible side, Professor Simeon Chavel will be speaking with his former student, Prof. Jacqueline Vayntrub, who received a PhD in Northwest Semitic Philology from UChicago in 2015 and is now serving as Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible at Yale Divinity School. As for Early Christianity, Professor Margaret M. Mitchell will be speaking with her former advisee, Prof. Allison Gray, who graduated from her PhD in New Testament and Early Christian Literature in 2016, and is now Assistant Professor of Theology at St. Mary’s University. Together, the panelists represent two field-specific examples of an advisor/advisee relationship that contributed to the latter’s success in the job market. The aim of this session is for the panelists to discuss the main challenges and lessons from their experiences together. To that end, each participant will answer common questions from her own perspective, expecting that sometimes their perspectives on the same issues may not match.