Sample Processing & Storage | Units | Internal Rate | External Rate |
CD8+ separation | each | $105.28 | $260.14 |
cfDNA isolation | sample | $55.70 | $137.64 |
Germline DNA Extraction from PAXgene | tube | $86.89 | $214.71 |
Liquid nitrogen storage | each | $11.70 | $28.91 |
Miscellaneous | each | TBD | TBD |
Monthly Sample Cryogenic Storage Fee | month | $103 | $254.52 |
Patient Biopsy Processing | each | $33.42 | $82.59 |
PAXgene Tubes Processing | hour | $35.09 | $86.71 |
PBMCs from 1 X CPT | each | $77.20 | $190.76 |
PBMCs from 4 X CPT | each | $97.09 | $239.91 |
PMBCs (100 ml blood; Lymphoprep) | each | $112.29 | $277.48 |
PMBCs (20 ml blood; Lymphoprep) | each | $78.37 | $193.66 |
PMBCs (50 ml blood; Lymphoprep) | each | $92.40 | $228.33 |
Serum/plasma | each | $22.28 | $55.05 |
SmartWB Biobanking | sample | $10.02 | $24.76 |
Stool banking | sample | $22.28 | $55.05 |
FACS Analysis | |||
HLA-A2 Screening | each | $111.12 | $274.58 |
Intracellular staining (L5 and IFN-g) | each | $187.14 | $462.44 |
Intracellular staining (T-reg) | each | $86.56 | $213.90 |
Surface staining (CD3,14,15,19,56) | each | $132.17 | $326.60 |
Surface staining (CD3,4) | each | $97.09 | $239.91 |
T2 Binding Assay | each | $141.52 | $349.71 |
Tetramer staining | each | $167.26 | $413.31 |
Molecular Analysis | |||
cDNA synthesis (up to 4) | each | $181.30 | $448.01 |
DNA Extraction (Fecal Sample) | sample | $121.64 | $300.59 |
PCR/experiment | each | $93.58 | $231.23 |
RNA isolation (PBMCs) | each | $70.17 | $173.40 |
RNA isolation (Tissue Biopsy) | each | $81.89 | $202.34 |
Viral RNA Isolation | sample | $31.83 | $78.65 |
Standard Assays | |||
DNA/RNA Extraction from FFPE | each | $133.67 | $330.32 |
ELISA | each | $216.38 | $534.70 |
ELISPOT (basic) | each | $325.17 | $803.52 |
ELISPOT reader | hour | $23.39 | $57.80 |
multiplex ELISA assay | plate | $278.49 | $688.17 |
nCounter Usage Full Service | assay | $222.79 | $550.53 |
nCounter Usage Self-Service | assay | $167.10 | $412.91 |
Project Set Up Fee | project | $318.27 | $786.47 |
SRF-HIM-010 Computer | hour | $22.28 | $55.05 |
Western Blot | each | $285.39 | $705.22 |
CytAssist Usage | unit | $175.10 | $432.68 |
multiples Immunofluorescence (mIF) | |||
6 Targets IF Staining (Ab cost not included) | slide | $24.50 | $60.55 |
Single Target IF Staining (Ab cost not included) | slide | $11.14 | $27.54 |
TMA slides scanning (drop-off) | slide | $22.28 | $55.05 |
Triple Targets IF Staining (Ab cost not included) | slide | $17.82 | $44.03 |
Vectra Polaris Scanner (Self-service) | hour | $55.70 | $137.64 |
Whole Slides Scanning (drop-off) | slide | $22.8 | $55.05 |
Training | |||
Vectra Polaris Initial Training | unit | $111.39 | $275.26 |