January 10: Rebecca Graff (Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Lake Forest College), “The Vanishing City and the Enduring Home: Archaeology of Chicago’s 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition and the Charnley House”
January 17: Haeden Stewart (PhD Candidate, Anthropology), “In the Shadow of Industry: Toxic Legacies of Mill Creek Ravine”
February 12: Scott MacEachern (Professor of Social Science, Duke Kunshan University), “Hamaji’ and Terrorism: Boko Haram and Deep Histories of Frontier Violence in Central Africa” Co-sponsored with African Studies Workshop
February 28: Sam Harris (PhD Candidate, NELC), “Domestic Economy at Tell Surezha, Iraq”
March 5: Oren Siegel (PhD Candidate, NELC), “Borders in the Ancient Egyptian World”
Please note that all meetings will be held at 4:30pm in Haskell 315 unless otherwise specified.