**Please note that our time has changed. We will now meet on Wednesdays from 4:30 – 6:00 PM.**
The Interdisciplinary Archaeology Workshop is now accepting submissions for the 2019-2020 academic year!
Fall quarter deadline: October 7, 2019.
Looking to gather feedback on a conference paper or a chapter you’ve been working on? Found something interesting during fieldwork this year? The Interdisciplinary Archaeology Workshop is now accepting submissions for the 2019-2020 academic year. With an engaged group of participants from departments across the University, IAW provides a space for discussion of archaeological works and material culture.
This year, our theme, Senses in Archaeology, aims to bring attention to the physical artifacts that we study, and how we study them. By focusing on senses and sensory experiences relating to objects, spaces and practices, we aim to explore ancient and modern perceptions, representations and interactions in both landscapes and built environments. We’re calling for presentations that touch upon that theme, and we’re flexible on format, whether you’d like to submit a paper beforehand, give a presentation, or show analyses in process.
If you are interested in presenting a paper or an ongoing analysis to IAW, please contact Kelsey Rooney (karooney@uchicago.edu) or Suay Erkusoz (serkusoz@uchicago.edu) with the following information:
Year in program
Paper title
Type of paper (e.g., dissertation chapter, MA paper, conference paper)
A short abstract or summary
The quarter(s) in which you are able to present (if more than one, please list your preferences in ranked order, and we will do our best to accommodate)