James A. Robinson
Institute Director of The Pearson Institute; Reverend Dr. Richard L. Pearson Professor and University Professor; Harris School of Public Policy and Department of Political Science, University of Chicago; Recipient of the 2024 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
Somaliland’s Indigenous Democracy Highlighted in Nobel Economics Lecture
Somaliland Chronicle, 2024/12/30
Nobel Minds 2024
The Nobel Prize, Swedish Television, and BBC World News, 2024/12/09
Ekonomipristagarna: AI-varningar och farliga djur
Ekonomikanalen, 2024/12/15
James Robinson: “Es fascinante que la América Latina democrática reproduzca proyectos políticos similares a los de Trujillo o Somoza”
Prodavinci, 2024/12/08
Nobel: The Portraits, The Economics Prize Portrait
SVT, 2024/12/01
Colombia vista por el premio Nobel de Economía, James Robinson
A Fondo Con María Jimena Duzán, 2024/12/1
TTT – Titel, Thesen, Temperamente: “Demokratie”
ARD1, 2024/12/1
James Robinson, premio nobel de economía, habló con SEMANA: “Me encanta Colombia, pero es una tragedia”. Así calificó al presidente Gustavo Petro
Semana, 2024/11/29
James A Robinson, premio Nobel de Economía 2024: “La mayoría de los estadounidenses no están mejor ahora que hace 50 años”
La Diaria, 2024/11/21
Nobel en Ciencias Económicas 2024 y destacado psiquiatra infantil recibirán Doctor Honoris Causa de la UdelaR
El Pais, 2024/11/13
James Robinson, ganador de un Premio Nobel 2024, recibirá Honoris Causa de la Udelar
Universidad de la República Uruguay, 2024/11/13
México puede beneficiarse del nearshoring: Premio Nobel de Economía 2024
Reporte Indigo, 2024/11/13
Discrecionalidad y centralización de programas sociales no son buenas para reducir la pobreza en México: Premio Nobel de Economía 2024
El Economista, 2024/11/14
An Extra Slice of the Pie, with James Robinson: History, Politics, and the Road to an Economics Nobel
The Pie: An Economics Podcast, 2024/11/5
Leviathan, Redux: Government Is Frightful Unless Shackled
Psychology Today, 2024/10/31
Lo que dijo el premio Nobel de Economía sobre Paraguay en una conferencia en EEUU
Última Hora, 2024/10/28
Nobel Economist Discusses the Role of Political Institutions, Global Dynamics and his Upcoming Works – James A. Robinson in an Exclusive Interview
Kazinform News Agency, 2024/10/24
El Nuevo Nobel de Economía y Colombia
La Silla Vacía, 2024/10/19
How Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James Robinson have Contributed to Development Economics
From Yale Ph.D. to Nobel Laureate in Economics
Yale News, 2024/10/16
Nobel Prize Winner James Robinson: You Need Everyone’s Voice at the Table for an Inclusive Economy
WGN, 2024/10/15
Exclusive: Nobel Economist Says Strongman Park’s Policies Sparked S. Korea’s Explosive Growth
The Chosun Daily, 2024/10/15
Nobel Special – James Robinson on Antisocial Norms
VoxEU Talk, 2024/10/15
Nobel Prize in Economics Awarded to Warwick Economics Alumnus and Honorary Graduate Professor James Robinson
University of Warwick, 2024/10/15
AERC Network Member Prof. James Robinson Awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics 2024
AERC News, 2024/10/15
UChicago Prof. James A. Robinson Reflects on Winning the Nobel Prize
The University of Chicago, 2024/10/14
First Reactions | James Robinson, Prize in Economic Sciences 2024 | Telephone Interview
Nobel Prize, 2024/10/14
UChicago Professor James Robinson Shares Nobel Economics Prize with Two Longtime Friends
CBS Chicago, 2024/10/14
2024 Nobel Prize News Conference Honoring UChicago Prof. James A. Robinson
University of Chicago, 2024/10/14
James A. Robinson, Professor at Univ. of Chicago, Shares Nobel Prize in Economics
AP News, 2024/10/14
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2024
The Nobel Prize, 2024/10/14
Three Receive Nobel in Economics for Research on Global Inequality
New York Times, 2024/10/14
Nobel for Economics Awarded to Authors of ‘Why Nations Fail’ and an Ex-IMF Figure
Wall Street Journal, 2024/10/14
James A. Robinson, ganador del Nobel de Economía: “La pobreza y la desigualdad en América Latina están profundamente arraigadas en el colonialismo y la explotación de los indígenas”
BBC Mundo, 2024/10/14
Nobel Prize in Economics Awarded to Trio for Explaining Why Some Nations are Rich and Others Poor
CNN, 2024/10/14
Nobel Prize in Economics Awarded to University of Chicago Professor and Two Others
Chicago Tribune, 2024/10/14
James A. Robinson Shares 2024 Nobel Prize for Research on Global Inequality
UChicago News, 2024/10/14
University of Chicago Professor James A. Robinson Among 3 Awarded Nobel Prize
WBEZ Chicago, 2024/10/14
¿Sistema político o conflicto social? El debate sobre causas del estancamiento chileno que planteó James Robinson
El Mercurio, 2024/09/04
Mónica Rincón conversa con James Robinson, autor de “Por Qué Fracasan Los Países” | Conexión Global
CNN Chile, 2024/09/05
James A. Robinson: “Creo que un retroceso de la globalización económica es inevitable”
Forbes Peru, 2023/05/21
SU Awards Honorary Doctorates to Economic Experts
Stellenbosch University, 2024/03/27
Rule of Law Day
Rule of Law Centre | University of Helsinki, 2023/10/26
James Robinson on why countries are poor.
Svenska Dagbladet, 2023/10/02
“The story never ends, it always continues.” The reflections of the author of “Why Nations Fail” on Democracy Day
CNN Portugal with João Póvoa Marinheiro, 2023/09/16
Political Economy and Development
VoxDevTalks with Tim Phillips, 2023/09/20
‘Why Nations Fail’ Author: The World Is Rebalancing
Endgame with Gita Wirjawan Podcast, 2023/5/5
Premio Daniel Cosío Villegas en Ciencias Sociales 2022. Conversación con James A. Robinson
El Colegio de México, 2023/4/11
James Robinson: “No creo que haya ninguna comparación entre el proceso en Chile y todos estos otros llamados gobiernos de izquierda”
El Mercurio, 2023/3/3
Premio Daniel Cosío Villegas en Ciencias Sociales a James A. Robinson
La Jornada, 2023/2/20
James A. Robinson: “Se necesitan instituciones que permitan la inversión y la innovación”
El Heraldo, 2023/2/20
“Colombia podría ser como EE. UU. pero ‘instituciones no lo permiten'”
Portafolio, 2022/1/12
“Para dar el salto en ingresos, la sociedad chilena tiene que ser más inclusiva”
LT Pulso, 2022/10/23
The Future of Africa
New Books Network, 2022/3/15
Ucrania, el estrecho pasillo
El País, 2022/3/7
La aplicación selectiva de la ley es una parte crítica del problema en Argentina
Canal NET, 2022/2/25
La lógica argentina es que si sos presidente debés tener tu propia Corte Suprema
Perfil, 2022/2/18
Africa’s Latent Assets
Brookings Institution, 2022/2/16
President suggests a set of books to enlighten readers’ quest for knowledge
Associated Press of Pakistan, 2022/2/13
Sous l’arc-en-ciel de la gravité
Esprits animaux blog, 2022/1/26
Dan slams the door shut on freedom’s narrow corridor
Spectator Australia, 2021/11/27
Instituciones, la clave para evitar fracaso de las naciones
El Mundo, 2021/11/23
Generals and Rebels
The Signal, 2021/11/9
The Narrow Corridor: Why liberty is hard to get and even harder to keep
The Business Standard, 2021/10/22
Las protestas son cruciales para impulsar a América Latina
El País, 2021/10/16
Chile tiene desafíos, pero los puede resolver como nadie en Latinoamérica
El Mostrador, 2021/10/11
2021 Econometric Society Fellows
The Econometric Society, 2021/9/22
How states flail and fail: What Modi and Shah could learn from the Afghanistan tragedy
Scroll, 2021/9/17
James Robinson on the Origins of the Industrial Revolution
A Correction: A Podcast, 2021/9/2
Will America learn from Afghanistan? Doubtful.
CGTN, 2021/8/28
Afghanistan: the hard lessons of a ‘totally pointless’ action
Het Financieele Dagblad, 2021/8/21
James Robinson on What Makes a Successful State
Brave New World, 2021/8/19
¿El alto precio del bajo costo (histórico) de la rebelión en Colombia?
Huellas, 2021/8/14
Why the US needs public-private partnerships for digital infrastructure
The Hill, 2021/8/7
Catalyst Book Review: The Narrow Corridor
Catalyst, 2021/8/4
The narrow path to liberal democracy
The Washington Post, 2021/7/29
The best books to read to understand Africa
Shepherd, 2021/6/28
Colombia Protests
The Scholars’ Circle Podcast, 2021/6/13
Meritocracy, Not Democracy, Is the Golden Ticket to Growth
Bloomberg Opinion, 2021/5/16
A perfect storm: What’s behind the Colombia protests?
NBC News, 2021/5/12
‘Why Nations Fail’ – Institutions are Everything
Curious Worldview Podcast, 2021/5/11
David Miliband warns of “age of impunity” for despotic governments around the globe
MIT News, 2021/4/30
Africa’s latent assets
VoxEU, 2021/4/26
‘É preciso acordar todos os dias e ficar de olho no estado’, diz economista
CNN Brasil, 2021/4/26
En 400 Voces
Uninorte FM Estéreo, 2021/3/10
Why Trumpian Populism Failed
Project Syndicate, 2021/3/9
“Colombia está lista para abrirse a un nuevo espacio político”
Contexto, 2021/2/23
Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries
CGTN America, 2021/2/20
George the Poet Q&A
New Statesman, 2021/2/17
How to save aid
Prospect Magazine, 2021/1/28
The State of Our Democracy
Not Another Politics Podcast, 2021/1/27
‘Why Nations Fail’ Authors On What The Capitol Riot Means For The Future Of The U.S.
NPR Morning Edition, 2021/1/22
Why Nations Fail, America Edition
NPR Planet Money, 2021/1/19
The Best Politics Books of 2020
Five Books, 2020/12/16
James Robinson & Daron Acemoglu
Conversation Six, 2020/11/23
Harris Professor James Robinson Speaks on Global Economic Inequality, the Legacy of Colonialism
The Chicago Maroon, 2020/11/16
Shackle It
Eurasia Review, 2020/11/5
Институты под угрозой: как растущее неравенство может изменить мир
ECONS, 2020/10/28
The unshackled Indian Leviathan
Times of India, 2020/10/26
Deadly incentives
AEA Research Highlights, 2020/10/26
Por qué algunas naciones tienen éxito y otras fracasan
BBC Mundo, 2020/10/24
Идеальное общество Трампа — это что-то вроде Гватемалы
Novaya Gazeta, 2020/10/19
Kapea käytävä demokratiaan
Helsingin Sanomat, 2020/10/18
For prosperity, Ethiopia needs institutional not individual strength
Ethiopia Insight, 2020/9/15
Paracracy to reduce economic disparity
The Pioneer, 2020/9/6
No country can risk a K-shaped recovery
Financial Express, 2020/9/7
Argentina Still Faces Uncertain Economic Future Despite Striking Debt Deal With Creditors
UrduPoint, 2020/8/13
Military Incentives Led To Civilian Deaths In Colombia, Study Finds
Forbes, 2020/8/6
COVID-19 Exploits Cracks In Chilean Society
NPR, 2020/7/2
The ‘Narrow Corridor’: How to steer democracy ahead
Daily FT, 2020/6/20
Institutions, Economic Growth and Democracy
Revista Libertalia, 2020/6/18
Fix NGO Leadership to Make Aid More Effective
Tolo News, 2020/6/10
America in Pain
The Express Tribune, 2020/6/9
National Security Laws in General Are Not a Problem. Hong Kong’s Is.
The Diplomat, 2020/6/5
Individual freedom and public health
Observer-Reporter, 2020/5/26
The Best Reason to Protect Workers From Covid-19
Bloomberg, 2020/5/4
To good effect
The Economist, 2020/4/30
James Robinson: The narrow corridor to liberty
Political Economy Podcast with James Pethokoukis, 2020/4/22
Xi Jinping to Remain: US Expert
The Eastern Link, 2020/4/22
Corona’s world tour in the guise of arrogant development
Khabarhub, 2020/4/3
Never the same again
The Statesman, 2020/4/1
A social distancing reading list
The Brookings Institution, 2020/3/27
Institutions, development economics, and modernization theory
Hoshimov Iqtisodiyoti, 2020/3/20
Required reading: These are the books top professors at the best business schools around the country are having their MBA students read
Business Insider, 2020/3/17
El pasillo estrecho
La Razón, 2020/3/16
Universal basic income needed against coronavirus’ economic damage!
RT, 2020/3/11
Fending for Ourselves
The Express Tribune, 2020/3/8
Does Anyone Really Know What Socialism Is?
Freakonomics Podcast, 2020/3/4
Delhi violence: The price society pays for violence is immeasurable and enormous
Wio News, 2020/2/28
蔡總統分享書單 籲居家多讀書防疫一起來
CNA, 2020/2/25
國際名家專訪》國家崩潰研究權威羅賓森 沒好好處理病毒 會是翻轉中國政權的引信?
Business Weekly, 2020/2/20
For President’s Day, How About a “Shackled Leviathan”?
Psychology Today, 2020/2/16
Hong Kong’s Narrow Corridor To Revive Its Economy Depends On Defending Its Unique Identity
Forbes, 2020/2/14
Announcing the 2020 Lionel Gelber Prize Shortlist
Yahoo Finance, 2020/2/11
Readmoo, 2020/2/5
All the books Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella talked about at Davos
Quartz, 2020/1/24
Der goldene Mittelweg
Der Tagesspiegel, 2020/1/21
Black China: Africa’s First Superpower Is Coming Sooner Than You Think
Newsweek, 2020/1/15
Hope for a new decade: State and society will find narrow corridor where both can be in balance
Financial Express, 2020/1/6
Amit Shah: The man who shook India up in 2019
Gulf News, 2019/12/26
The Shackled Leviathan and the Fate of Liberty
LA Progressive, 2019/12/26
Best Books of 2019: The Narrow Corridor
Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2019/12/19
In Colombia, the state is weak and society is weak; there’s a perverse balance
The Colombia Cast, 2019/12/18
Para diversificar la economía se deben mejorar las instituciones
Mañanas BLU, 2019/12/9
Why Some Nations Prosper and Others Fail
Big Brains Podcast, 2019/12/2
Paro en Colombia | “No creo que el país logre llegar a un consenso sobre cuál es su problema de fondo”: James Robinson, economista
BBC, 2019/11/27
Best Book of 2019: Economics
Financial Times, 2019/11/22
Crise en Haïti: le salut passe par une administration publique forte
The Conversation, 2019/11/20
Mamphela Ramphele: Freedom requires responsibility by all
News 24, 2019/11/19
I’m Professor James Robinson. Ask Me Anything!
Reddit, 2019/11/13
Nigeria, 30 Years After Berlin Wall
This Day, 2019/11/13
Liberty depends on a delicate balance between state and society
The Spectator, 2019/11/9
30 años de la caída del Muro de Berlín
rtve, 2019/11/8
The Policy Popularity Game
The Gist, 2019/11/6
Who Failed to Defend Ethiopians and Ethiopia?
Borkena, 2019/11/1
JHU IDEV Roundtable: A Conversation with James Robinson
JHU Perspectives, 2019/10/27
In a healthy democracy, power starts at the top – and the bottom
The Washington Post, 2019/10/25
Las palabras de Cecilia Morel reflejan que la élite chilena está muy desconectada de la gente
La Tercera, 2019/10/24
Harris Professor Discusses New Book and Society’s Political Dynamics
The Chicago Maroon, 2019/10/22
The Upside of Populism
Foreign Policy, 2019/10/19
How to Stem Ukraine’s Corruption
Project Syndicate, 2019/10/14
Democracy at a crossroads: Sri Lanka has not narrowed corridor of liberty but effectively blocked it
Daily FT, 2019/10/07
Insights and Views On Culture: Acemoglu & Robinson’s The Narrow Corridor
Premium Times, 2019/10/04
Las instituciones públicas son responsables de la pobreza de un país
Prensa Libre, 2019/9/30
The Narrow Corridor — the fine line between despotism and anarchy
Financial Times, 2019/9/26
Everywhere people are interested in liberty
Prospect Magazine, 2019/9/26
Why did Britain end up a democracy? And could it all fall apart?
The Pod Delusion, 2019/9/26
The Constitution Won’t Save American Democracy
Project Syndicate, 2019/9/24
The Good Fight
The Good Fight with Yascha Mounk Podcast, 2019/9/16
‘The Narrow Corridor’ is a work of staggering ambition on the tightwire act democracy requires
Newsweek, 2019/8/30
Istanbul Shows How Democracy Is Won
Project Syndicate, 2019/6/25
Extract to Fail?
RT, 2019/6/16
Rise up: Billy Bragg on books about holding power to account
The Guardian, 2019/6/1
How Do Populists Win?
Project Syndicate, 2019/5/31
Globalization and Sovereignties: The Challenge
La Repubblica, 2019/5/28
Fighting Poverty and Inequality: A Conversation with James Robinson
Harris News, 2019/4/18
The Perks and Perils of Having a State-Run Church
CATO Unbound, 2019/2/13
Why Nations Fail?
World Government Summit, 2019/2/10
US Backs Opposition Leader in Venezuela
Morning Wave in Busan, 2019/1/28
James Robinson Habla Sobre Las Instituciones en Venezuela
Contrafactual, 2019/1/25
Why Nations Fail
Matters of State Podcast, 2018/12/05
James Robinson on Why Nations Fail
Social Science Bites Podcast, 2018/12/03
Τζέιμς Ρόμπινσον στην «K»: Υπό απειλή η ανοιχτή κοινωνία
Lathimerini, 2018/10/15
Institutions and GRecovery
RG Connect Conference 18, 2018/10/06
Renewing Indigenous Economies
The Hoover Institution, 2018/09/24
Pearson Global Forum
Pearson Global Forum, 2018/08/05
State Capacity and Importance of Institutions
IDFC Institute, 2018/08/03
As inequality grows, so does the political influence of the rich
The Economist, 2018/06/21
James Robinson is about global economy and Ukrainian realities
Радіо НВ, 2018/06/25
“En Colombia se conocen las buenas prácticas y no se implementan”
La República, 2018/06/09
Tal vez Chile se quede estancado por la naturaleza oligárquica de su sociedad
La Segunda, 2018/05/09
James Robinson: es sana la autocrítica de Chile
Pauta, 2018/05/04
Le gouvernement Haïtien doit indiquer la provenance des ressources qu’il compte utiliser, selon James A. Robinson
Le Nouvelliste, 2018/03/05
Democracy and economic growth: New evidence
VoxDev, 2017/12/15
“El problema es que en Colombia no creen que ser clientelista es malo”, James Robinson
La República, 2017/12/11
¿Cómo lo solucionaría usted?
Semana, 2017/12/17
William Riker Prize in Political Science goes to MIT’s Acemoglu and Chicago’s Robinson
University of Rochester Newscenter, 2017/11/07
El usted no sabe quién so yo
Semana, 2017/11/07
Download PDF
Colombia: El Derrumbe Parcial
El Espectador, April 1, 2017
James Robinson #TrendingLíder360
Interview with La Silla Líder, Bogotá, Colombia.
Peace in Colombia? A View from San Andrés de Cuerquia
Hot Spots, Cultural Anthropology Online, April 30, 2015.
Land, Power and Policy
Keynote Address at the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, March 23, 2015, Washington D.C.
Chile Debe “Des-Oligarquizarse” si Quiere Llegar al Próximo Nivel de Desarrollo
Estrategia, Martes 24 de Marzo de 2015
Measuring Ethnic Identity in the Tropics: Evidence from the Implicit Association Test
VOX, 18 February 2015.
Colombia: ¿esta vez es diferente?
El Espectador, 18 DE ENE DE 2015
Notas desde Apartadó y Cartagena ¿Cómo modernizar a Colombia?
El Espectador, DOMINGO, 18 DE ENE DE 2015.
Why Nations Fail
TEDxAcademy Talk, Athens, September 27, 2014
Colombia: ¿Tercera Vía o Tercer Mundo?
El Espectador, Sunday August 10, 2014.
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Um país sem intocáveis
Interview with Brazilian Magazine, Veja, July 16, 2014.
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România văzută de un profesor de la Harvard
Lecture on Why Nations Fail at Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, June 23, 2014.
Los súper poderosos de las ideas
Por: Juanita León, La Silla Vacía, Domingo, 2014-06-22.
Es necesario que Colombia abra la puerta a los cambios sociales
Interview with María Jimena Duzán, Semana, 15 al 22 Junio, 2014.
Falta de burocracia es un problema político, no hay solución tecnocrática
Interview, Miércoles 11 de junio del 2014 GESTIÓN, LIma, Perú.
Download PDF
Imaginando y alcanzando una nueva Colombia
Article in El Espectador, May 25, 2014
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ANC Inside Business: Why Nations Fail
Interview with Coco Alcuaz, December 5, 2012.
Governments by and for a few must become inclusive, or risk collapse
Interview with Nick March, June 16, 2012, for The National, Abu Dhabi.
Colombia, una democracia de orangutanes con sacoleva
Interview with Camilo Jiménez Santofimio for the Colombian newsweek Semana, October 5, 2013.
Todavía subsiste el potencial para crear una sociedad más inclusiva
Interview with Eduardo Engel for the Chilean Think Tank Espacio Público, August 2, 2013.
James Robinson presenting Why Nations Fail
Lecture at the European School for Management and Technology organized by F. Fischer Verlag and the American Academy, with a discussion with Quentin Peel of the Financial Times., March 18, 2013
“Protestar es sano para una sociedad”: Académico de Harvard
Interview with Camila Zuluaga for El Espectador, 22 July, 2013.
Tanta desigualdad es corrosiva para la sociedad
Interview with Joseba Elola for El País, 4 June 2013
Profesor de Harvard explica por qué fracasan las naciones
Interview with María Isabel Rueda published in El Tiempo, 26 August 2012
Why Nation Fail on Hardtalk
James Robinson discussing Why Nations Fail on the BBC program Hardtalk with Stephen Sackur 13/7/2012
Debating the Rise and Decline of Civilizations
Debate between Jared Diamond, Niall Ferguson and James Robinson at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles, April 29, 2013
Why Nations Fail
by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson