- “Does Nothing Stop a Bullet Like a Job? The Effects of Income on Crime” (2025) Annual Review of Criminology 8: 269-289. (with K. Schnepel).
- “Valuing the Benefits of Reducing Firearm Violence in the United States” (2025) PNAS 122(4): e2419864122. (with P.Cook and M. Jeuland).
- “The Inversion Problem: Why Algorithms Should Infer Mental State and Not Just Predict Behavior” (2024) Association for Psychological Science 19(5): 827-838. (with J. Kleinberg, S. Mullainathan, and M. Raghavan).
- “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Algorithms” (2024) AEA Papers and Proceedings: 114: 623-627. (with S. Mullainathan and A. Rambachan).
- “Machine Learning as a Tool for Hypothesis Generation” (2024) The Quarterly Journal of Economics: 1-77. (with S. Mullainathan).
- “Human Bias in Algorithm Design” (2023). Nature Human Behaviour: 1822 – 1824. (with C.K. Morewedge, S. Mullainathan, H.F. Naushan, C.R. Sunstein, J. Kleinberg, and M. Raghavan).
- “The Inversion Problem: Why Algorithms Should Infer Mental State and Not Just Predict Behavior” (2023). Perspectives on Psychological Science 0(0). (with J. Kleinberg, S. Mullainathan, and M. Raghavan)
- “Not Too Late: Improving Academic Outcomes Among Adolescents” (2023) American Economic Review 113(3): 738-765. (with J. Guryan, M.P. Bhatt, P.J. Cook, J.M.V. Davis, K. Dodge, G. Farkas, R. Fryer Jr., S. Mayer, H. Pollack, L. Steinberg, and G. Stoddard)
- “Fragile Algorithms and Fallible Decision-Makers: Lessons from the Justice System” (2021) Journal of Economic Perspectives 35(4): 71-96. (with S. Mullainathan)
- “Evaluating Contradictory Experimental and Non-Experimental Estimates of Neighborhood Effects on Economic Outcomes for Adults” (2021) Housing Policy Debate. (with D. Harding, L. Sanbonmatsu, G. Duncan, L. Gennetian, L. Katz, R. Kessler, J. Ling, and M. Sciandra). Forthcoming.
- “The Effect of Mentoring on School Attendance and Academic Outcomes: A Randomized Evaluation of the Check & Connect Program” (2020). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. (with J. Guryan, S. Christenson, A. Cureton, I. Lai, C. Schwarz, E. Shirey, and M.C. Turner).
- “Algorithms as discrimination detectors” (2020) PNAS. (with J. Kleinberg, S. Mullainathan, and C.R. Sunstein).
- “An economic perspective on algorithmic fairness” (2020) AEA Papers and Proceedings. (with A. Rambachan, J. Kleinberg, and S. Mullainathan).
- “Reforming Housing Assistance” (2019) The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 686: 250-285. (with R. Collinson, I. Gould Ellen)
- “Understanding Gun Violence: Public Health Versus Public Policy” (2019) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 38(3): 788 – 794. (with P.J. Cook)
- “Response to Counterpoint: Violence Itself is a Root Cause of Violence” (2019) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 38(3): 802-804. (with P.J. Cook)
- “Augmenting Pre-Analysis Plans with Machine Learning” (2019) AEA Papers and Proceedings 109: 71-76. (with S. Mullainathan and J. Spiess)
- “Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms” (2018) Journal of Legal Analysis 10: 113-174. (with J. Kleinberg, S. Mullainathan, and C.R. Sunstein)
- “The Social Costs of Gun Ownership: A Reply to Hayo, Neumeier, and Westphal” (2018) Empirical Economics. (with P.J. Cook)
- “Algorithmic Fairness” (2018) AEA Papers and Proceedings 108: 22-27. (with J. Kleinberg, S. Mullainathan, and A. Rambachan)
- “Human Decisions and Machine Predictions” (2018) The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 237-293. (with J. Kleinberg, H. Lakkaraju, J. Leskovec, S. Mullainathan)
- “The Selective Labels Problem: Evaluating Algorithmic Predictions in the Presence of Unobservables” (2017) KDD, 275-284. (with H. Lakkaraju, J. Kleinberg, J. Leskovec, and S. Mullainathan)
- “Reducing Gun Violence in America” (2017) PNAS 114(46), 12097-12099.
- “Thinking, Fast and Slow? Some Field Experiments to Reduce Crime and Droupout in Chicago” (2017) The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 132(1). (with S. Heller, A.K. Shah, J. Guryan, S. Mullainathan, and H.A. Pollack)
- “Productivity and Selection of Human Capital with Machine Learning” (2016) American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 106(5): 124-127. (with A. Chalfin, O. Danieli, A. Hillis, Z. Jelveh, M. Luca, and S. Mullainathan)
- “Option Awareness: The Psychology of What We Consider” (2016) American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 106(5): 425-429. (with A.K. Shah)
- “An Experimental Evaluation of a Comprehensive Employment-Oriented Prisoner Re-entry Program” (2015) Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 31: 355-382. (with P.J. Cook, S. Kang, A. Braga, and M.E. O’Brien)
- “Prediction Policy Problems” (2015) American Economic Review. Papers & Proceedings, 105(5): 491-495 (with J. Kleinberg, S. Mullainathan and Z. Obermeyer)
- “Some sources of crime guns in Chicago: Dirty dealers, straw purchases, and traffickers.” (2015) Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. 104(4):717-759. (with P. J. Cook, R. J. Harris, and H. A. Pollack)
- “The impact of housing assistance on child outcomes: Evidence from a randomized housing lottery.” (2015) Quarterly Journal of Economics. (with B. Jacob and M. Kapustin)
- “Associations of randomization in a housing-mobility experiement with mental disorders among low-income adolescence.” (2014) Journal of the American Medical Association 311(9): 937-47. (with R. Kessler, G.J. Duncan, L.A. Gennetian, L.F. Katz, J.R. Kling, N.A. Sampson, L. Sanbonmatsu, and A.M. Zaslavsky)
- An experimental evaluation of a comprehensive employment-oriented prisoner re-entry program.” (2014) Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 10.1007/s10940-014-9242-5. (with P.J. Cook, S. Kang, A. Braga, and M. O’Brien)
- “Long-term effects of the Moving to Opportunity Residential-mobility experiment on crime and delinquency.” (2013) Journal of Experimental Criminology. 9(4): 451-89. (with M. Sciandra, L. Sanbonmatsu, G.J. Duncan, L.A. Gennetian, R.C. Kessler, and J.R. Kling)
- “The effects of housing and neighborhood conditions on child mortality.” (2013) Journal of Health Economics. 32: 195-206. (with B. Jacob and D. L. Miller)
- “Neighborhood effects on the long-term well-being of low-income adults.” (2012) Science, 337(6101): 1505-1510. (with G.J. Cuncan, L.A. Gennetian, L.F. Katz, R.C. Kessler, J.R. Kling, and L. Sanbonmatsu)
- Sex, Drugs, and Catholic Schools: Private Schooling and Adolescent Non-Market Behavior.” (2012) German Economic Review, 13(4): 385-415. (with D. Figlio)
- “Guest editor’s introduction: Special issue on MTO.” (2012) Cityscape. 14(2): 1-28.
- “The long-term effects of Moving to Opportunity on youth outcomes.” (2012) Cityscape, 14(2): 137-167. (with L.A. Gennetian, M. Sciandra, L. Sanbonmatsu, L.F. Katz, G.J. Duncan, J.R. Kling, and R.C. Kessler)
- “The long-term effects on Moving to Opportunity on adult health and economic self-sufficiency.” (2012) Cityscape, 14(2): 109-136. (with L. Sanbonmatsu, J. Marvakov, N.A. Potter, F. Yang, E. Adam, E.J. Congdon, G. J. Duncan, L.A. Gennetian, L.F. Katz, J.R. Kling, R. C. Kessler, S. Tessler Lindau, and T.W. McCade)
- “The effects of housing assistance on labor supply: Evidence from a voucher lottery.” (2012) American Economic Review, i 102(1): 272-304. (with B. Jacob)
- “Lessons from a partially controlled field trial.” (2012) Journal of Experimental Criminology. 32: 195-206 (with P.J. Cook, M. O’Brien, and A. Braga)
- “Crime policy and informal social control.” (2011) Criminology and Public Policy. 10(4): 1029-36. (with M. Ferrier)
- “Neighborhoods, obesity, and diabetes: A randomized social experiement.” (2011) New England Journal of Medicine, 365(16): 1509-19. (with L. Sanbnnetian, E. Adam, G.J. Duncan, L.F. Katz, R.C. Kessler, J.R. Kling, S. Tessler Lindau, R.C. Whitaker, and T.W. McDade)
- “Mechanism experiments and policy evaluations.” (2011) Journal of Economic Perspecitves, 25(3): 17-38. (with J.R. Kling and S. Mullainathan)
- “The costs of crime.” (2010) Criminology and Public Policy. 9(2): 229-233.
- “Gun control after Heller: Threats and sideshows from a social welfare perspective.” (2009) UCLA Law Review. 56(5): 1041-1095. (Lead article with P. Cook and A.M. Samaha)
- “Anti-depressants and Suicide” (2009) Journal of Health Economics, 28: 659-676. (with D.E. Marcotte and K. Norberg)
- “What can we learn about neighborhood effects from the Moving to Opportunity experiment? A comment on Clampet-Lundquist and Massey.” (July 2008) American Journal of Sociology, 114(1): 144-88. (with J. Liebman, J. Kling, G.J. Duncan, L.F. Katz, R.C. Kessler, and L. Sanbonmatsu)
- “The Long-term Effects of Head Start on Low-Income Children.” (2008) Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 40:1-12. (with D. Phillips)
- “The Economic Costs of Poverty in the United States: Subsequent Effects of Children Growing Up Poor.” (2008) Journal of Children and Poverty, 14(1): 41-61. (with H. Holzer, D. Schanzenbach, and G.J. Duncan)
- “Is Crime Contagious?” (2007) Journal of Law and Economics, 50(3): 491-518. (with J. Kling)
- “The Silence of the Lambdas: Deterring Incapacitation Research” (2007) Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 23: 287-301. (with T. J. Miles)
- “Underground Gun Markets” (2007) The Economic Journal, 117: F558-588. (with S. Venkatesh and A. Braga)
- “Does Head Start Improve Children’s Life Chances? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Approach.” (2007) Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(1): 159-208. (with D. Miller)
- “Broken Windows: New Evidence from New York City and a 5 City Social Experiment” (2006) University of Chicago Law Review. (with B.E. Harcourt)
- “The Social Costs of Gun Ownership” (2006) Journal of Public Economics, 90(1-2): 379-391. (with P.J. Cook)
- “Aiming for Evidence-Based Gun Policy” (2006) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 25(3): 691-736. (with P.J. Cook)
- “Anti-Depressants, Suicide, and Drug Regulation” (2005) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24(2): 249-272. (with D. Marcottee)
- “Gun Crime and Gun Control: The Hawaiian Experience” (2005) University of Chicago Legal Forum, 2005:55-90. (with J. Peters and P.J. Cook)
- “Beter Gun Enforcement, Less Crime” (2005) Criminology and Public Policy, 4(4): 677-716.
- “Criminal Records of Homicide Offenders” (2005) Journal of the American Medical Association, 294(5): 598-601. (with P. Cook and A. Braga)
- “Neighborhood Effects on Crime for Female and Male Youth: Evidence from a Randomized Housing Voucher Experiment.” (2005) Quarterly Journal of Economics 120(1): 87-130. (with J. Kling and L.F. Katz)
- “Housing Mobility Programs and Economic Self-Sufficiency: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment.” (2005) Journal of Public Economics, 89: 131-156. (with G.J. Duncan and J. Pinkston)
- “Interpreting the WIC Debate” (2005) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24(3): 691-701. (with M. Miller)
- “Does Gun Prevalence Affect Teen Gun Carrying After All?” (2004) Criminology, 42(1): 27-54.
- “Principles for Effective Gun Policy” (2004) Fordham Law Review, LXXIII (2): 589-613. (with P.J. Cook)
- “The Endogeneity Problem in Developmental Studies” (2004) Research in Human Development, 1(1&2): 59-80. (with G.J. Duncan and K.A. Magnuson)
- “Evaluating Gun-Policy Evaluations” (2003) Criminology and Public Policy, 2(3): 411-419.
- “Fact-Free Gun Policy?” (2003) University of Pennsylvania Law Review 151(4): 1329-1340. (with P.J. Cook)
- “Urban Poverty and Juvenile Crime: Evidence from a Randomized Housing-Mobility Experiment” (2001) Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(2): 655-680. (with G.J. Duncan and P. Hirschfield)
- “The Benefits of Reducing Gun Violence: Evidence from Contingent-Valuation Survey Data” (2001) Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 22(3): 207-226. (with P.J. Cook)
- “The Costs and Benefits of Reducing Gun Violence” (2001) Harvard Healthy Policy Review, 2(2): 23-28. (with P.J. Cook)
- “Homicide and Suicide Rates Associated with Implementation of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act” (2001) Journal of the American Medical Association, 284(5) 585-591. (with P.J. Cook)
- “School to work Programs in the U.S.: A Multi-Firm Case Study of Training, Benefits, and Costs” (2000) Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 53(2): 219-239. (with L. J. Bassi)
- “The Medical Costs of Gunshot Injuries in the United States” (1999) Journal of the American Medical Association, 282(5): 447-454. (with P.J. Cook, B. Lawrence, T.R. Miller)
- “Information and Inner City Educational Attainment” (1999) Economics of Education Review, 18(1): 17-30.
- “The Puzzling Case of School Spending and Student Resources” (1999) Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 21(4): 385-403. (with L.J. Bassi)
- “No Proof that Right-to-Carry Laws Reduce Violence” (1998) American Journal of Public Health, 88(6): 982-983. (with D.W. Webster and J.S. Vernick)
- “Defensive Gun Uses: New Evidence from a National Telephone Survey” (1998) Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 14(2): 111-131. (with P.J. Cook)
- “Concealed-Gun Carrying Laws and Violent Crime: Evidence from State Panel Data” (1998) International Review of Law and Economics, 18: 239-254.
- “The Gender Gap in Reporting Household Gun Ownership” (1998) American Journal of Public Health, 88(11): 1715-1718. (with P.J. Cook and T.W. Smith)
- “Weighing the Burden of ‘Acting White’: Are There Race Difference in Attitudes Towards Education?” (1997) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 16(2): 256-278. (This paper was awarded the Vernon Prize for best article).
- “Housing Vouchers, Residential Relocation, and Educational Opportunities: Evidence from Baltimore.” (1997) American Economic Review. Papers & Proceedings, 87(2): 272-277. (with H. F. Ladd)
- “The Gun Debate’s New Mythical Number: How Many Defensive Uses Per Year?” (1997) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 16(3): 463-469. (with P.J. Cook and D. Hemenway)
- “Flawed Gun Policy Research May Endanger Public Safety” (1997) American Journal of Public Health, 87(6): 918-921. (with D.W. Webster, J.S. Vernick, and K. Lester)