Cash for parents to learn how to support schoolwork BBC News, November 15, 2013 DOWNLOAD PDF Parents in two urban areas in England are to be offered money to attend a parenting academy to learn how to support their children’s schoolwork. Some parents will...
Student performance improves when teachers given incentives upfront UChicago News, August 08, 2012 DOWNLOAD PDF A bonus payment to teachers can improve student academic performance — but only when it is given upfront, on the condition that part of the money...
St. Patrick hopes to draw parents into preschool program The State Journal-Register, August 05, 2012 DOWNLOAD PDF An unconventional approach to early education begins Wednesday at St. Patrick Catholic School. The first preschool program the elementary school...
Study Finds Timing of Student Rewards Key to Effectiveness Education Week, August 01, 2012 DOWNLOAD PDF Reward programs have a long tradition in classrooms—think of gold stars and perfect attendance certificates—but direct-incentive programs have had lackluster...