Education – Improve It Or Lose It Wall Street Journal, July 27, 2012 DOWNLOAD PDF Here’s a new twist on bonuses for teachers: Give the money at the start of the school year—but yank it back if students underperform. read...
‘Loss Aversion,’ Teacher Bonuses and Student Performance Wall Street Journal, July 27, 2012 DOWNLOAD PDF Here’s a new twist on teacher bonuses that may produce better results than the standard approach: Give instructors the bonuses at the start of the...
A Very Mean (but Maybe Brilliant) Way to Pay Teachers The Atlantic, July 24, 2012 DOWNLOAD PDF One of the great, early insights from the field of behavioral economics was that when it comes to handling money, most people are driven much more by fear than they...
How to Make Merit Pay Work National Review, July 24, 2012 DOWNLOAD PDF Conservatives have a wide range of solid suggestions for education reform (to which liberals are increasingly warming), including school choice, merit pay, and tenure reform, which are...
Does teacher merit pay work? A new study says yes. Washington Post, July 23, 2012 DOWNLOAD PDF There’s very good evidence that teacher quality matters a lot in terms of student performance in school and success later on in life. The economist Raj Chetty...