Carrots Dressed as Sticks The Economist, January 14, 2010 DOWNLOAD PDF People are contrary creatures. A man may say he would not pay more than $5 for a coffee mug. But if he is told that the mug is his, and asked immediately afterwards how much he would be...
Experiments with Dough UChicago Magazine, May-June 2009 DOWNLOAD PDF There is no such thing as a free lunch, any economist—behavioral or neoclassical—will tell you. And yet there it is, on the back table of the Goldman Sachs Lecture Hall: leftover pizza...
Professor strives to test economic theories in real-life experiments Chicago Maroon, May 15, 2009 DOWNLOAD PDF Economics professor John List doesn’t see why economics has to be studied any differently from biology: other sciences run experiments to isolate a...
Don’t Guess, Experiment Financial Times, April 19, 2009 DOWNLOAD PDF Steven Levitt has an unusual admission to make for someone who has just finished teaching a class at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. “I don’t know that much about...