Why Olympic Bronze Medalists Are Happier Than Silver Medalists By John List “With the Beijing Winter Olympics upon us, Team USA has made clear that it is approaching this year’s Games with a special emphasis on the mental health of its athletes. This perhaps...
Economic Field Experiments Complement Understanding of Judgment Bias Bargaining in an open-air market. Making trades at a sports memorabilia show. Monitoring price changes on a ride-sharing app. Every day, people in real-world marketplaces make choices using...
Warum Rollstuhlfahrer mehr für den Mechaniker zahlen müssen derStandard (German), September 09, 2016 DOWNLOAD PDF Wer in einem Rollstuhl zum Mechaniker kommt und sein Auto reparieren lassen möchte, bekommt eine höhere Rechnung als jemand ohne Gehbehinderung....
L’Economia Scientifica di John List Cinquantamila (Italian), July 22, 2016 DOWNLOAD PDF John List è il discendente di una dinastia di camionisti americani di origine tedesca, dal quale l’Italia avrebbe molto da imparare. A maggior ragione in questi anni di...