Research links voting to desire for social standing, discomfort with lying Berkeley News, October 11, 2016 DOWNLOAD PDF What motivates people to vote? Is it a matter of doing the morally right thing, a reflection of the desire to make a difference, or a quiet...
Warum Rollstuhlfahrer mehr für den Mechaniker zahlen müssen derStandard (German), September 09, 2016 DOWNLOAD PDF Wer in einem Rollstuhl zum Mechaniker kommt und sein Auto reparieren lassen möchte, bekommt eine höhere Rechnung als jemand ohne Gehbehinderung....
L’Economia Scientifica di John List Cinquantamila (Italian), July 22, 2016 DOWNLOAD PDF John List è il discendente di una dinastia di camionisti americani di origine tedesca, dal quale l’Italia avrebbe molto da imparare. A maggior ragione in questi anni di...
Social media power youth political participation, June 26, 2012 DOWNLOAD PDF The MacArthur Research Network on Youth and Participatory Politics (YPP), under the direction of co-principal investigators University of Chicago political scientist Cathy...