March 29th: Michael Rutherglen (PhD student, Committee on Social Thought), “Intermittency, Transparency, & Parody: On Eliot’s Rhymes” (Foster 305) Although T.S. Eliot is most often thought of as helping to…
January 11th: Danielle Charette (PhD student, Social Thought), “Shakespearean Monarchs in Kierkegaard’s Sickness Unto Death: Royal Case-Studies in Despair” (Foster 305) Throughout The Sickness Unto Death, Kierkegaard draws upon Shakespeare to illustrate the theatrics of…
September 28th: Parysa Mostajir (PhD candidate, Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science), “Experience and Literature”This paper provides a pragmatist argument for the importance of literature in a healthy and progressive human…
The Literature & Philosophy Workshop Spring Schedule is now up on our website and included below. All workshops take place in Foster 305 unless otherwise noted; documents are generally available…
Literature & Philosophy Workshop Winter 2017 Schedule January 5th: “In Praise of Depth: or, How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Hidden.” (Foster 505) Joshua Landy (Andrew B. Hammond…
We are delighted to announce the Literature & Philosophy Workshop’s Fall 2016 schedule. All discussions take place at 4:30 p.m., in Foster 305 unless otherwise noted; a light reception follows in every…
We’re delighted to announce our schedule for the 2016 Spring Quarter! Unless otherwise noted, all meetings take place Thursday at 4:30pm in Foster 305 and are followed by a small reception. Texts to be read in advance are…
We’re delighted to announce our schedule for the 2016 Winter Quarter! Unless otherwise notes, all meetings take place Thursday at 4:30pm in Foster 305 and are followed by a small reception. Texts to be read in advance…
We’re thrilled to announce our Autumn 2015 schedule! Unless otherwise notes, all meetings take place Thursday at 4:30pm in Foster 305 and are followed by a small reception. Texts to be read in advance are uploaded to…
We’re thrilled to announce our Spring 2015 schedule! Unless otherwise notes, all meetings take place Thursday at 4:30pm in Foster 305 and are followed by a small reception. Texts to be read in advance are posted under…