Kutay Serova (UChicago): Dative Pronoun Alternation in Turkic Languages: A Phonological Analysis and Diachronic Family-Internal Typology

Please join us in Cobb Hall 202 on Friday, January 19 at 3:30 PM for the first LVC of the Winter Quarter! Our very own Kutay Serova will be talking about vowel harmony alternation in singular dative pronouns. Dative Pronoun Alternation in Turkic Languages: A Phonological Analysis and Diachronic Family-Internal Typology  Turkic languages are a […]

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Lisa Davidson (NYU): Acoustic Correlates to Levels of Stress in Hawaiian (ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi)

Please join us in Cobb Hall 115 on Friday, November 10 at 3:30 PM for the last LVC meeting of the quarter, where Prof. Lisa Davidson will be presenting on the phonology of Hawai‘an. Acoustic correlates to levels of stress in Hawaiian (ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi) Phonological analyses of metrical structure in Hawaiian (ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi) have posited […]

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Steven Castro (UChicago): Language Use Among Mixed-Race Individuals in the Fiji Islands: A Fieldwork Preview

Please join us once more in Cobb Hall 115 on Friday, November 3 at 3:30 PM, where our very own Steven Castro will be presenting on his upcoming fieldwork in Fiji. Language Use Among Mixed-Race Individuals in the Fiji Islands: A Fieldwork Preview How has Fiji’s complex history with contact, linguistic, racial, and cultural mixing […]

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Darya Kavitskaya (UC Berkeley): Dialects of Crimean Tatar: Fieldwork and Its Challenges

Please join us once more in Cobb Hall 115 on Friday, October 27 at 3:30 PM, where Dr. Darya Kavitskaya of the University of California, Berkeley, will present on the historical developments of vowel harmony in Crimean Tatar. Dialects of Crimean Tatar: Fieldwork and Its Challenges Crimean Tatar is an understudied Turkic language, spoken mainly […]

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Anna-Marie Sprenger (UChicago): Sound, Place, and Space in Iași, România: Fieldwork Preview

Please join us once more in Cobb Hall 115 on Friday, October 20 at 3:30 PM, where our very own Anna-Marie Sprenger will be presenting on their upcoming fieldwork in Romania. Sound, Place, and Space in Iași, România: Fieldwork Preview How has the political situation in Eastern Romania affected the language practices of its residents? […]

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Matthew Goldrick (Northwestern University): Mechanisms of language control at multiple levels of linguistic structure

Please join us in Cobb Hall 115 on Friday, October 13 at 3:30 PM for the first LVC of the year, hosted with our sister workshop Language Evolution and Processing! Dr. Matthew Goldrick, Professor of Linguistics and Psychology at Northwestern University, will be talking about the cognitive mechanisms of code-switching. This week we will also […]

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