Newberry Library: Mechanisms of Exchange, Feb. 25

Newberry Library Symposium

Mechanisms of Exchange: Transmission, Scale, and Interaction in the Arts and Architecture of the Medieval Mediterranean, 1000 to 1500

Friday, February 25, 2011

Organized by Heather E. Grossman, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Alicia Walker, Washington University in St. Louis

This symposium will bring together scholars working in art and architectural history to consider the mechanisms of cross-cultural exchange in the medieval Mediterranean world and specifically the question of how styles, motifs, and techniques were transmitted in the architecture and the monumental arts versus the portable arts. Speakers include specialists in western European, Islamic, and Byzantine art and architectural history.

Preliminary program:

“Conveyance and Convergence: Painting and Architecture in Lusignan Cyprus”

Justine M. Andrews, University of New Mexico

“Coveting Greciscos: Byzantine Cloth and the Luxury Textile Market in Early Medieval Iberia”

Maria J. Feliciano, University of Washington

“Art and Architecture in the Eastern Mediterranean following 1204. Byzantium diluted or rejuvenated?”

Maria Georgopoulou, Gennadius Library, Athens

“Drawing, Memory, and Imagination in the Wolfenbüttel Musterbuch”

Ludovico V. Geymonat, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome

“Translating Texts and Cultures in the Medieval Mediterranean World between the Tenth through Thirteenth Centuries”

Eva R. Hoffman, Tufts University

“Imported versus Native Medicine in a Thirteenth-Century Grave”

Renata Holod, University of Pennsylvania

“Portable Palaces? On the Circulation of People, Objects, and Ideas in Medieval Anatolia”

Scott Redford, Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Koç University, Istanbul

The symposium will conclude with a roundtable discussion. Audience participation in the conversation will be warmly welcomed.

While there is no fee to attend this program, participants must register in advance with the Newberry Library.

Faculty and graduate students of Center for Renaissance Studies consortium institutions are eligible to apply for travel funds to attend this event. Contact your Representative Council member for details.

For more information, please go to:

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