CfP: Illinois Medieval Association Conference

29th Annual Illinois Medieval Association Conference

Re-Making the Classical:

Appropriation and Transformation


Northern Illinois University, February 17-18, 2012


We invite abstracts from a variety of disciplines that examine both material and intellectual aspects of the medieval re-interpretation of ideas, texts, images, and objects from the ancient world.


From Anglo-Saxon poetic views of Roman ruins to Italian artists’ classically-inspired subjects, the Middle Ages regularly recycled both textual and physical elements of the ancient world.  But the ruins were supposed to be those of giants, the classical image might be infused with Gothic perspective, and heroes such as Alexander the Great used armor and equipment familiar to medieval writers and illustrators. When the “classical heritage” undergoes such changes, how classical is it, and what are its real effects on medieval Europe?


Proposals for individual papers and for complete sessions are welcome.  Sessions will typically be scheduled for 90 minutes, with 20 minutes for each of three papers plus time for discussion.  Proposals should include a short abstract (250 words or so) of the proposed paper(s) and/or complete session as well as contact information for the individual submitting the proposal.

Please submit proposals by October 15, 2011.

Nicole Clifton,

or: Northern Illinois University

Attn: Nicole Clifton

Department of English

De Kalb, IL 60115


Selected essays will be published in Essays in Medieval Studies.  For more information on EMS, go to

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