Call for Papers and Respondents: Medieval Studies Workshop

The Medieval Studies Workshop welcomes paper proposals on the Middle Ages, Medieval Studies, and historical Medievalisms from PhD students for the 2019-20 academic year. The workshop discusses works-in-progress from scholars across the humanities, including Art History, English, Divinity, History, Music, Romance and Germanic Languages and Literatures, Linguistics, Comparative Literature, and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. […]

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CFP: Affect and Exemplary Texts

The University of Chicago Medieval Studies Workshop at ICMS 2020 presents: Affect and Exemplary Texts This panel aims to bring the medieval affective turn to a decidedly broad textual stratum: exemplarity appears in medieval discourses beyond the European Middle Ages and allows for cross-cultural, comparative criticism in the realms of relation, emotion, and imagination. Examples […]

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