Michelle Williams

Executive Assistant to Dr. Mirmira

 Hi!  My name is Michelle, and I began working alongside Dr. Mirmira at Indiana University School of Medicine in October of 2016.  In the fall of 2019, I moved with the lab to the University of Chicago, but I will always bleed cream and crimson

I am Dr. Mirmira’s Executive Assistant, and I handle the many moving parts within the lab and also help keep Dr. Mirmira’s life running smoothly!

My husband Doug and I have been married for 29 years and have three adult children and three super-fun grandkids. In my free time, I love playing with our dog Charlie, going to country concerts, reading, crafting, traveling, and laughing with those I love most!

Please direct all inquiries for The Mirmira Lab to Michelle at:  MirmiraLab@uchicago.edu

The Mirmira Lab
900 East 57th Street, KCBD #8160
Chicago, IL  60637

Lab Phone:  773-834-6974
Office Phone:  773-702-2210

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