Spring Schedule 2013

– April 5, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Julia Chamard-Bergeron, PhD candidate, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago, “Psychologie morale du roman classique: l’amour, ou vivre en l’autre”

– April 12, 2:00 pm – 7:30 pm & April 13, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, Logan Center for the Arts, Room 801 : Conference : Molière 1663, Comedy in Question, with Claire Carlin, Patrick Dandrey, Boris Donné, Gerald Garutti, Joseph Harris, Françoise Lavocat, Charles Newell, Larry Norman, and Ellen McClure

– April 19 & April 20 : Conference : Archaeologies of “Frenchness”, details to be announced

– April 26, 12 pm, Wieboldt 207 : Delphine Denis, Université Paris-Sorbonne, “Civilités pastorales: L’Astrée d’Honoré d’Urfé (1607-1628), un « bréviaire des courtisans »”

– May 3, 4:00 pm, Rosenwald 405 : Joanna Stalnaker, University of Columbia, “Rousseau’s Endings”

– May 7, 5:00 pm, Wilder House, 5811 South Kenwood AvenueBenaouda Lebdai, University of Maine at Farmington, USA and University of Maine, Le Mans, France, “The Trauma of Negation in ‘Post-Fatwa’ texts”

– May 17, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Claudie Bernard, New York University, “Justice, vengeance, pénalité ; l’exemple du « Mouchoir rouge » d’Arthur Gobineau”

– May 31, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Linsey Sainte Claire, PhD candidate, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago, “La folie dans la littérature Caraïbo-Guyanaise”

Papers will be pre-circulated via the workshop list-serv. If you have any questions, please contact one of the coordinators: Veerle Dierickx (vdierickx@uchicago.edu) and Eleanor Rivera (elrivera@uchicago.edu). We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.

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Winter Schedule 2013

– January 11, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Julia Langbein, PhD candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago, “Daumier and Cham: Two Graphic Critics at the Second Empire Salon”

– January 25, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Liam Mannix, PhD candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago, “Profit, Growth, and Investment: Agrarian Capitalism and the Religious Orders in Ancien Régime France”

– February 8, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Eli Thorkelson, PhD candidate, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, “Je n’en peux plus: Everyday life in a post-68 philosophy department in Saint-Denis”

– February 22, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Monica Olaru, PhD candidate, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Chicago, “The Two Destinies of the ‘Promising Young Man’ in Balzac and Dickens”

– March 8, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Eleanor Rivera, PhD candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago,“Bon chrétien et bon français: Catholic Primary Education, 1880-1914”

A wine and cheese reception will follow each discussion. To obtain electronic copies of the papers being discussed, or to get on the Workshop list-serve, please contact Eleanor Rivera or Veerle Dierickx.

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Fall Schedule 2012

The Interdisciplinary Approaches to Modern France and the Francophone World Workshop is pleased to announce its fall quarter schedule. We meet on Fridays at 4:00 in the John Hope Franklin Room (SSRB 224), unless otherwise noted, with a wine and cheese reception following the workshop. We hope you’ll join us for the following workshops:

– October 5, 4:00 pm Rosenwald 405 : Roundtable : Conflicts of Interpretation, with Françoise Lavocat, Sophie Rabau, Michael Murrin, Larry Norman, and Thomas Pavel

– October 19, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Clare Crowston, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, “Fast Fashion, Slow Credit: Temporalities of Power in Eighteenth-Century France”

– November 2, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Elie Haddad, CNRS (CRH-EHESS), “La construction sociale de la ‘noblesse d’épée’ (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles)”

– November 9, 4:00 pm, Wieboldt 408: Tyson Leuchter, PhD candidate, History Department, University of Chicago, “The Illimitable Right: the Marché à Terme. Property, and Political Authority in Napoleonic France”

– November 30, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Carolyn Purnell, PhD candidate, History Department, University of Chicago,“Charged with Feeling: Medical Electricity and the Social Incorporation of the Useful Citizen”

Papers will be pre-circulated via the workshop list-serv. If you have any questions, please contact one of the coordinators: Veerle Dierickx (vdierickx@uchicago.edu) and Eleanor Rivera (elrivera@uchicago.edu). We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.

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Spring Schedule 2012

– April 6, 4pm, SS#224
Adam Takacs (Assistant Professor, European Social Sciences and Historiography, University Eötvös Lorand Budapest)
“The Challenge of History. The Annales School and French Philosophy (1960-1980)”

– April 20, 4pm, SS#224
Mary Druyvesteyn (PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago)
“Crisis of the Authorial Self: Alphonse de Lamartine and “Histoire de la Révolution de 1848”

– May 4, 4pm, SS#224
Zakir Paul (PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature, Princeton University)
“The Intelligence Analyst: Rivière at the NRF”

– May 18, 4pm, SS#224
Clovis Gladstone (PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago)
“Rousseau et le déterminisme autobiographique”

– June 1, 4pm, SS#224
Vincent Debaene (Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures, Columbia University)
“The Ethnographer’s Two Books: Writing Anthropology in 20th-century France”

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Winter Schedule 2012

– January 13rd, 4pm, SS#224
Nancy Green (Professor, History, EHESS)
“Doing Business in France: Americans in Paris when the Empire was Resistible (1900-1940)”

– January 27th, 4pm, SS#224
Eleanor Rivera (PhD Candidate, History, University of Chicago)
“Concrete Education: Classroom Pedagogy in Third Republic Seine-Inférieure”

– February 10th, Join Session with the Early Modern Workshop, 4pm, SS#224
Elisa Jones (PhD Candidate, History, University of Chicago)
“Exile and Belonging: The Boundaries of Being French, 1562-1629”

– February 24th , 4pm, SS#224
Anne C.Vila (Professor, Romance Languages and Literature, University of Wisconsin)
“Lost in Thought: Absorption, Animality, and ‘Deep Thinking’ in the Works of Diderot”

– March 9th, 4pm, SS#224
Sylvie Goutas (PhD Candidate, Romance Languages and Literature, University of Chicago)
“Private and Collective Charity in the HUMAN COMEDY by Honoré de Balzac”

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Fall Schedule 2011

– October 7, 4:00 pm, SSRB #224
HOLLIS CLAYSON, Art History, Northwestern University
“Mary Cassatt’s Lamp”

– October 21, 4:00 pm, SSRB #224
DENISE DAVIDSON, History, Georgia State University
“A Fate Worse than Death? The Intense Chagrin of Bankruptcy (1817-1820s)”

– November 4, 4:00 pm, SSRB #224
MONICA OLARU, PhD Student, Comparative Literature, University of Chicago
“Ambition and Weakness of Will in the Realist French Novel after 1848”

– November 18, 4:00 pm, SSRB #224
TRENT LEIPERT, PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago
“Phrasing Musical Affect: Jean-François Lyotard and Contemporary Composition”

– December 2, 4:00 pm, SSRB #224
AUDREY WASSER, Collegiate Assistant Professor in the Humanities, University of Chicago
“Hyperbole in Proust”

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Spring 2011 Schedule

– April 15th, 4:00pm, Harper 145:

Elayne Oliphant, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago: “The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Europe”

– April 22nd, 4:00pm, Harper 145:

Julia Langbein, PhD Candidate, Department of Art History, University of Chicago: “Comic Antagonism and Dueling Media in the 19th century Parisian Illustrated Press”

– May 6th, 4:00pm, Harper 145 :

Emily Fransee, PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago: “Without Distinction: Voting Rights in France and the Empire, 1943-1962”

Emily Marker, PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago: “Greater France, Europe, Eurafrique: The Cultural Politics of Late Colonialism and the Construction of Europe in Postwar France, 1943-1968

– May 20th, 4:00pm, Harper 145:

Steve Sawyer, Assistant Professor, Department of History, American University, Paris, and Terry Clark, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago: “Scenes and Ambiances in Paris and Elsewhere”

– June 3rd, 4:00pm, Harper 145:

Stella Ghervas, Visiting Associate Professor (Mellon Visiting Scholar), University of Chicago: “Empire or Alliance of Kings? A comparison between the European Visions of Napoleon and tsar Alexander 1st”

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Winter 2011 Schedule

– January 14th, 4:30PM, Wieboldt #408:
Lauren Silvers, Collegiate Assistant Professor in the Humanities, University of Chicago: “La vie des mots: Language, Aesthetics, and the Reading Body at the French Fin-de-Siècle”

– January 24th, 4:30PM, Fulton Hall, 4th floor, Goodspeed Hall:
A joint session of the Modern France Workshop, the Workshop on Early Modern Europe, and the Department of Music.
Peter Spragins, Lecturer, Humanities Collegiate Division, University of Chicago: “Musical Analogies to Mid-18th-Century Literary Character-Types: ‘Writing the Moment’ in a Keyboard Sonata of the ‘London’ Bach”

– January 28th, 4:30PM, Wieboldt #408:
Sarah Maza, Professor of History, Northwestern University: “Beware of Domestic Objects:  Ordinary Crime and the Uncanny in 1930s France.”

– February 11th, 4:30PM, Wieboldt #408
Robin Bates, PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago: “An Empire within an Empire: Madame Campan and the Cultural Logic of Napoleonic France, 1804-1815”

– February 25th, 4:30PM, Wieboldt #408:
Larry Norman, Associate Professor, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures, University of Chicago: “Rationalism, Empiricism, and Historicism in French Classical Aesthetics”

– March 11th, 4:30PM, Wieboldt #408:
Alexandra Lukes, PhD Candidate, Department of French, New York University: “Artaud’s Asylum of Nonsense: Translating Plagiarism”

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Fall 2010 schedule


The Modern France Workshop is pleased to announce its Fall 2010 schedule. This year’s workshop will be taking place in Wieboldt 408 at 4:00 pm (unless otherwise noted).

* October 8, 4:00 pm, Wieboldt #408

JEREMY POPKIN, University of Kentucky

“You Are All Free: The Haitian Revolution and the Abolition of Slavery”

* October 22, 4:00 pm, Wieboldt, #408

STEPHANIE FRANK, PhD Candidate, History of Religions, University of Chicago

“The problem of the theological-political analogy: Malebranche, Sieyès, and ‘Representation’ in the Revolutionary National Assembly.”

* October 25, 12:00 pm, Pick Hall, #506

FRANCOISE MELONIO, Université paris Sorbonne, Institut d’Etudes Politique de Paris

“Interpreting a Correspondence: the Case of Tocqueville”

A joint session of the Worshops on Modern France and on Political Theory.

* November 5, 4:00 pm, Wieboldt, #408

EMILY OSBORN, History, University of Chicago

“Colonialism, Republicanism, and Gender in French West Africa”

* November 8, 5:00 pm, Social Science, #224 (John Hope Franklin Room)

LOIC CHARLES, Université de Paris Ouest, INED, EDIRC

“The Colonial Machine Dismantled: Science and Empire in the French Atlantic”

A joint session of the Modern France and the Early Modern Workshops.

* November 19, 4:00 pm, Wieboldt, #408

MARY ANGELO, PhD Candidate, RLL, University of Chicago

“Post-Revolutionary Women’s Fiction” Writing the Effacement of the Family”

* December 3, 4:00 pm, Wieboldt, #408

PAUL CHENEY, History, University of Chicago

“A Colonial Cul de Sac: Saint-Domingue during the American War of Independence”

We look forward to an exciting and enjoyable year!

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