
Calendar 2023/2024 – Time & Location: 12:30-2:30pm at Cobb 402

Fall 2023

Week 2 – Oct 6 Andreas Trotzke (Universität Kontanz), The syntax of discourse particles in questions

Week 3 – Oct 13 Bob Offer-Westort & Andrew Murphy, Allomorphy in Bidhaawyeet

Week 6 – Nov 3 Zeineb Sellami, First conjunct agreement in Tunisian Arabic is an illusion

Week 7 – Nov 10 Mattie Wechsler, Only Two per Customer: Case-Licensing Scarcity for Postverbal Objects in Shona

Week 8 – Nov 17 Joshua Dees (UIUC), Evidence of concord between (T)ense and temporal adverbs: A diachronic analysis of Dholuo

Winter 2024


Spring 2024

Week 4 – Apr 12 Norvin Richards (MIT), Title TBD

Week 8 – May 10 Roumyana Pancheva (UCSC), Title TBD

Archived Schedule

Winter 2023: All meetings from 12:30 to 2:20pm in Rosenwald 301 unless otherwise specified.

week 4 – Feb 3 Akshay Aitha (UChicago), Three Puzzles in Telugu Nominal Syntax

week 7 – Feb 17 Mattie Wechsler (UChicago), TBA

week 8 – Feb 24 Naomi Kurtz (UChicago), TBA

week 9 – Mar 3 Karlos Arregi (UChicago), TBA

Fall 2022: All meetings from 12:30 to 2:20pm in Rosenwald 301 unless otherwise specified. 

week 4 – October 21 Zeineb Sellami (UChicago), Phi-Agreement vs. Clitic Doubling in Tunisian Arabic. 

week 6 – November 4 Kutay Serova (UChicago), Accusatives with Passives in 16th century Chaghatay.

week 7 – November 11 Ruth Kramer (Georgetown University), The Morphosyntax of Agreement on Imperatives in Amharic .

week 8 – November 18 Matt Hewett (UChicago), Cross(over) my Heart and Hope to Bind.

Spring 2022

week 2 – April 8 Andrew Murphy (UChicago), Multiple Left Branch Extraction Revisited

week 3 – April 15: Madeline Snigaroff (UChicago), Head-Movement Out of Adjuncts: The Case of Aleut Suffixal Adjectives

week 6 – May 6: Ivy Sichel (UC Santa Cruz), How resumptive pronouns ameliorate island violations

week 8 – May 20: Zach Lebowski (UChicago), Are prosodic boundaries directional? 

week 9 – May 27: Stefan Keine (UCLA), Silencing the PCC

Winter 2022

week 3 – January 21: Paper discussionRoyer (2022) “Prosody as syntactic evidence: The view from Mayan”

week 4 – January 28: Darragh Winkelman, Perso-Arabic borrowings in Ottoman Turkish

week 6 – February 11: Brianna Wilson & Andrew Murphy (UChicago), Discontinuous Noun Phrases and Irrealis Movement in Iquito

week 9 – March 4: Laura Stigliano (UChicago), Wh-TREQs and CP-Ellipsis in Spanish

Fall 2021

week 3 – October 15: Matthew Hewett (UChicago)Towards a base-generation theory of Arabic resumption

week 4 – October 22: Heidi Harley (University of Arizona)Relative nominals and event nominals in Hiaki

week 7 – November 12: Kutay Serova (UChicago)Dative Stem Allomorphy in Turkic Pronouns: Suppletion or not? 

week 8 – November 19: Naomi Kurtz & Akshay Aitha (UChicago)Phorhépecha: Clitics and Omnivory

Spring 2021

week 3 – April 16: Paper discussionTollan & Clemens (2021) “Syntactic ergativity as a constraint on crossing dependencies: The perspective from Mayan”

week 4 – April 23: Paper discussion, Blix (2021) “Spans in South Caucasian Agreement. Revisiting the pieces of inflection”

week 8 – May 21: Mini-talks – Akshay Aitha (UChicago)The Oblique Form in Telugu – A Morphological Puzzle, and Zeineb Sellami (UChicago)Complementizer Agreement in Tunisian Arabic

week 9 – May 28: Caroline Heycock (University of Edinburgh)As good as it gets:  Person agreement and syncretism in Icelandic

Winter 2021

week 1 – January 15: Miloje Despic (Cornell), Consequences of Labelling for Morpho-Phonology: v*P Labelling, Feature Interaction and the Direct-Inverse Systems

week 3 – January 29: Paper discussion, Guekguezian (2020) “Aspectual phase heads in Muskogee verbs.”

week 5 – February 12: Adam Singerman, Suppletion and the Tuparí verb

week 7 – February 26: Laura Stigliano (UChicago)Fragment Questions in Spanish: evidence for syntactic and semantic identity

week 9 – March 12: Roberta D’Alessandro (Utrecht)Contact, language change and topicality: some thoughts

Fall 2020

week 3 – October 16: Matt Hewett (UChicago)Lexically selected PPs can vary by template in Semitic

week 5 – October 30: Brianna Wilson (UChicago)Clause-initial negation in Iquito

week 7 – November 13: José Camacho (UIC)Plural last names and the functional structure of DPs

week 8 – November 20: Martina Martinović (McGill)Control and restructuring in Wolof

Spring 2020
Meetings will be held on Zoom.

week 3 – April 24: TBA

week 5 – May 8: Discussion of NELS abstracts

week 7 – May 22: TBA

week 9 – May 5: TBA

Winter 2020

week 1 – January 17 – Cobb 107: Karlos Arregi (UChicago), What kind of movement is long head movement in Breton?

week 4 – January 31 – Cobb 107: Adam Singerman (UChicago), Evidence for Syntactic Recursion in a Native Language of the Brazilian Amazon

week 6 – February 14 – Cobb 107: Matt Hewett (UChicago), Fission as Feature Copying: Evidence from Allomorphy in Discontinuous Agreement

week 7 – February 21 – Gates-Blake 321: Ömer Eren (UChicago), Fake arguments as apparent valency changers: Evidence from Laz 

week 8 – February 28 – Gates-Blake 321: Jonathan Bobaljik (Harvard)

Fall 2019

week 1 – October 4: Jason Merchant (UChicago), Dutch P-stranding and ellipsis: a wrinkle ironed out
*Meeting starts at 12:30*

week 4 – October 25: Laura Stigliano & Eszter Ronai (UChicago), Answerhood conditions of Hungarian multiple sluicing and wh-questions: Experimental investigations
*Joint meeting with LEAP Workshop*

week 8 – November 22: Jackie Lai (UChicago), Verb doubling and durative/frequency expressions: On the Chinese postverbal field

week 10 – December 6: Emre Hakgüder (UChicago)

Spring 2019

wk5 – May 3: Marina Ermolaeva (UChicago), Minimalist Grammar Induction

wk8 – May 24: Jon Sprouse (UConn), Experimental syntax and three case studies in movement
Joint meeting with LEAP Workshop*

wk9 – May 31: Masaya Yoshida (Northwestern), Syntactic Prediction in Online Sentence Processing
*Joint meeting with LEAP Workshop*

wk10 – June 7: Yenan Sun (UChicago), Only with movement: Mandarin zhiyou

Winter 2019

wk2 – January 18: Aida Talic (University of Illinois)Accentogenic clitics and prosodic clitic incorporation by phase

wk3 – January 25: Nicholas Rolle (Princeton)The road or the door to exponence? Examining simultaneity at spell-out

wk5 – February 8: Matt Hewett (UChicago)Differentiating Dislocations in Biblical Hebrew

wk9 – March 8: Erik Zyman (UChicago)Antilocality at the Phase Edge

wk10 – March 15: Laura Stigliano & Eszter Ronai (UChicago)Adjectival sluices in Hungarian: an argument for isomorphic sources

Fall 2018

wk3 – October 19: Joanne Vera Stolk (University of Oslo)Hearing Greek, writing Coptic? Explaining non-standard spelling and morphology in a historical language contact situation –Joint meeting with LVC Workshop–

wk5 – November 2: Michelle Yuan (UChicago), Some new insights into Inuktitut morphosyntax, as revealed through a particular existential construction

wk7 – November 16 from 11 to 12:30, Landhal 009A: Cherry Meyer (UChicago)The Link between Gender and Classifiers in Ojibwe (Algonquian)

wk9 – November 30: Ksenia Ershova (UChicago)Reflexives in West Circassian: Ingredients of Subject Orientation

wk10 – December 7: Barbara Citko (University of Washington), Binarity of Merge and Structural Syncretism

Spring 2018

wk2: April 6 — David Pesetsky (MIT)Exfoliation:  towards a derivational theory of clause size (and infinitivization in particular)

wk4: April 18 (Wednesday) 3 pm *Social Sciences 108* — Adam Singerman (The University of Chicago)The structure of the Tuparí clause, with special attention to the placement of pronouns/clitics

wk6: May 4 — Denis Ott (University of Ottawa)Sluicing = wh-movement + TP-ellipsis?

wk7: May 7 (Monday) 12 pm *Cobb 102* — Ricardo Etxepare (IKER, CNRS), Functional Dependencies in Basque

wk8: May 18 — Laura Stigliano (The University of Chicago), Revisiting the interaction between P-stranding and clausal ellipsis in Spanish

Winter 2018

wk2: January 12 — Michael Hamilton (Florida Atlantic University), Syntactic & post-syntactic elements of Algonquian theme signs

wk3: January 19 — Karlos Arregi (University of Chicago)Is Basque an ergative language?

wk4: January 26 — Jerry Sadock (University of Chicago), Greenlandic Negation Need Not Be in the Syntax 

wk5: February 2 — Laura Kalin (Princeton University)The Ins and Outs of Allomorphy in Turoyo (Neo-Aramaic)

wk6: February 9 — Neil Myler (Boston University)Some Puzzles in isiXhosa Causatives

wk7: February 16 — Boris Harizanov (Stanford University), A unified approach to the syntactic movement of heads and phrases

wk8: February 23 — Natalia Pavlou (University of Chicago)On clausal complementation, successive cyclicity and locality in Cypriot Greek

wk9: March 2 — Joint meeting with The Greek Linguistics Workshop

Fall 2017

wk3: October 13 — Jackie Lai (University of Chicago), When verbs are shared: On the derivation of gapping in Mandarin Chinese

wk4: October 20 — Gabriel Martínez Vera (University of Connecticut), On the Spanish left periphery: double complementizer constructions and phase-over-phase configurations

wk6: November 3 — Adam Singerman (University of Chicago), Evidentiality, grammatical number and physical position in Tuparí (Joint meeting with LVC Workshop)

wk10: November 27 (Monday) — Ksenia Ershova (University of Chicago), What makes a West Circassian word: Evidence from Nominalizations

wk10: December 1 — Steven Franks (Indiana University), Some Thoughts on Combining Clitic Pronouns in Slavic

Spring 2017

wk2: April 7 — Amy Rose Deal (UC Berkeley)Covert hyperraising to object

wk3: April 12 — Kyle Johnson (UMass Amherst), Amalgams

wk5: April 28 — Emily Hanink (UChicago)Switch reference in Washo is agreement

wk6: May 5 — Karlos Arregi (UChicago)Is Basque an ergative language?

wk7: May 12 — Matt Barros (Yale University), TBA

Winter 2017

wk4: January 27 — Ksenia Ershova (University of Chicago), Reflexive resumption in West Circassian

wk6: February 10 — Dan Edmiston and Marina Ermolaeva (University of Chicago), Distributed Morphology over Strings

wk7: February 17 — Julie Legate (University of Pennsylvania)Personal passives, Grammatical Object Passives, and Impersonals

wk8: February 24 — Adam Singerman (University of Chicago)Finite embedding and quotation in Tuparí

wk9: March 3 — James Yoon (UIUC)TBA

Autumn 2016

wk2: October 7 — Jeff Geiger (University of Chicago),“Context can!”: Contextual accommodation in exophoric and anaphoric verb phrase ellipses

wk4: October 21 — Tanya Philippova (Ben Gurion)The phrasal comparative: a novel argument for the reduced clause analysis  

wk6: November 4 — Hooi Ling Soh (University of Minnesota), Evidentiality and modality: The case of the discourse particle ‘punya’ in colloquial Malay 

**Week 6 will be meeting in Classics 405**

wk7: November 11 — Peter Jenks (UC Berkeley), Hyperraising from pseudorelatives in Moro 

**Week 7 will be meeting in Classics 405**

wk8: November 18 — Julian Grove (University of Chicago)Title TBA

wk10: December 2 — Gallagher Flinn (University of Chicago)Title TBA

Spring 2016

wk2: April 5 — Robert Lewis, Morphosyntax of Potatowotami

wk3: April 12 — Adam SingermanNegation in Tupari  **Joint meeting with LVC workshop **

wk4: April 19 — No meeting

wk5: April 26 — Ksenia Ershova, Applicative Blocking in Georgian: Evidence for Selection as Agree

wk6: March 4 — Marika Lekakou, Determiner spreading in two varieties of Modern Greek

wk7: May 10 — No meeting

wk8: May 17 — Karlos Arregi, Ostrove (in prep.): On the role of linear order in portmanteaux

wk9: May 24 — Ksenia Ershova, TBA  *CANCELLED*

wk10: May 31 — No meeting

Winter 2016

wk2: Jan 12 — Mike Pham, Clustering properties of morpheme and phonaestheme networks

wk3: Jan 19 — Karlos Arregi, How to sell a melon: Postsyntactic mesoclisis in Spanish imperatives

wk4: Jan 26 — Emily Hanink, The dual nature of clausal nominalization in Washo

wk5: Feb 2 — Josh Falk, O’Donnell et al (2011): Productivity and Reuse in Language [link]

wk6: Feb 9 — Jacob Phillips, Noun incorporation in Sora

wk7: Feb 16 — no meeting

wk8: Feb 23 — Jonathan Pesetsky, How and When to be Alive: Animacy in Swahili

wk9: March 1 — Cherry Meyer, Booij (1995): Inherent versus contextual inflection and the split morphology hypothesis

wk10: March 8 — Asia Pietraszko, TBA

Autumn 2015

wk3: Oct 12 — Emily Hanink, Toosarvandani (2011): The role of nominalization in Northern Paiute relative clause formation

wk4: Oct 19 — Cherry Meyer, Noun Categorization in Ojibwe

wk5: Oct 26 — Jason Merchant, Stochastic and joint selection

wk6: Nov 2 — Ksenia Ershova, argument structure and the construction of the polysynthetic verb in Adyghe

wk7: Nov 9 — Yoolim Kim, “The grammatically underspecified Korean word kesiki”

wk8: Nov 16 — Jerry Sadock, Noun Incorporation in Greenlandic (link)

wk9: Nov 23 — Mike Pham, Clustering properties of morpheme and phonaestheme networks  [postponed]

wk10: Nov 30 — Karlos Arregi, How to sell a melon: Postsyntactic mesoclisis in Spanish imperatives [work with Andrew Nevins] [postponed]