Essay Contest #6
Call for (plagiarized) essays!
This week, we are asking you to plagiarize. Your essay can be on any topic, just so long as the ideas are not your own. To participate in our plagiarism contest, send a plagiarized essay–subtle or flagrant–of 800 words or fewer, as well as a pdf of or a link to the essay you are plagiarizing, to by next Wednesday, May 13, at 3 pm CST.
As a point of reference, consider the following series of plagiarism-friendly essays, beginning with Brian Frye’s effort to raise questions about the validity of plagiarism norms in academia, “Plagiarize this paper.” Agnes Callard accepted the invitation in “Is Plagiarism Wrong?” and Scott Mclemmee did a writeup of both at Inside Higher Ed, “Plagiarize This!” In the most recent installment, “Essay on Plagiarism,” William Derringer plagiarizes all three.