Roman to Early Islamic Bathhouses of Iudaea/Syria-Palaestina and Provincia Arabia (BATHS)
View the BATHS Websiteย online
This database gathers a wide array of information on Roman-style bathhouses of the Roman, Byzantine and Early Islamic periods (mid-1st century BCE to mid-8th century CE) from the geographic area of Iudaea/Syria-Palaestina and Provincia Arabia (modern Israel, Palestinian Authority, Jordan and southern Syria). It is a digital companion to the monograph published in 2021 Bathhouses in Iudaea/Syria-Palaestina and Provincia Arabia from Herod the Great to the Umayyads, but it is also constantly growing with the addition of new complexes and new published details on existing entries. The data can be explored, including all the entries, browsing by various parameters, gallery of plans and photos, and an ArcGIS Online Map View.
The BATHS project intended to make all of its data publicly available from the start. OCHRE has provided me with perfect conditions for this undertaking. Possibly the most amazing thing is that I had complete control of the database construction as well as the design of the website based on provided templates. I am not a stranger to computers, but I have never done any programmer training; yet the whole process was very easy to follow with the explanations published online by the OCHRE team. It was actually fun, and I acquired useful new knowledge that will surely serve me well in the future!