Contact Us
The Park Group
The University of Chicago
Searle Chemistry Laboratory
5735 S Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637 USA
Prof. Park’s Phone: (773)-834-3179
Lab Phone: (773)-795-0409
Figure 1. Holiday Party Winter 2019.
Figure 2. Saying farewell to Andy Mannix in summer 2020.
Figure 3. Hanging out after Preeti’s defense in fall 2021.
Figure 4. Boating adventure summer 2022.
Figure 5. Celebrating Myungjae and Hanyu’s paper acceptance in Science, Summer 2023.
Figure 6. Saying farewell to Baorui right before he drives to California, summer 2023.
Figure 7. Soccer champions! Summer 2023.
Figure 8. Saying goodbye to Jaehyung before he starts his faculty position at Chung-Ang University. Summer 2023.