Some overdue updates
Jong Hoon has started his group in MSE at POSTECH in South Korea! Alia has started as our Lab and Business Manager, Gustavo, Donghyup, and Hyojin have joined the group as postdocs, and Zehra has joined the group as a graduate student.
Farewell to Kim & Fauzia
Farewell to PhD students Kim and Fauzia, graduating last quarter in Molecular Engineering and Chemistry respectively. We will miss you! Kim is embarking on her career as a science writer, and Fauzia is working as a Principle Chemist at Ecolab.
Congrats to Dr. Yu Zhong on starting his faculty position at Cornell MSE!
Post-doc Yu Zhong will be starting as an assistant professor in Materials Science and Engineering at Cornell University later this summer! We will miss you greatly!!
Congrats to alum Dr. Carlos S. Ruiz-Vargas on the launch of lumafield!
Read about the launch of this new company here. Looking forward to seeing lumafield grow exponentially!
Recent Works Featured in UChicago News!
Recent work on thermal anisotropy and robotic assembly of 2D materials has received great press and has been featured on UChicago News!
Mengyu Wins JFI Director’s Fellowship
Congrats to Mengyu, our newest postdoc, on winning the JFI Director's Fellowship! Looking forward to the great research you will contribute in the coming year!
Farewell Myungjae! Good Luck at Seoul National University!
Myungjae Lee is leaving our group to start as faculty in Materials Science at Seoul National University. We will miss you!
Congratulations to Alum Saien Xie on Starting His Group at Princeton
Best wishes and congratulations! See more information about Saien's new group here and here.
Welcoming new members and a new year
We would like welcome three new graduate students, Jingyuan Ge, Yuanke Chen, and Hanyu Hong, along with a new post doc, Dr. Mengyu Gao, our new lab manager, Dr. Feifei Li, and a happy new year.
Congratulations to Preeti for her Successful Defense!
On 11/28/2021 Preeti successfully defended her thesis for her PhD in Chemistry. Congratulations!!!!