Other Workshops of Interest
Workshop on Quantitative Research Methods in Education, Health, and Social Sciences (QMEHSS)
The Workshop on Quantitative Research Methods in Education, Health, and Social Sciences (QMEHSS) serves as an important venue on the University of Chicago campus for building an intellectual community of colleagues who share methodological interests. Workshop participants meet biweekly to discuss working papers and brainstorm solutions to methodological problems encountered in ongoing research. Participants have included faculty members, researchers, and students from the Social Sciences Division, Health Studies, Statistics, Public Policy, the National Opinion Research Center, the Consortium for Chicago School Research, and colleagues from the University of Illinois in Chicago. In addition, we have invited speakers from other major universities to share with us their latest work.
For more information and to be added to the workshop email list, visit the QMEHSS website.
Workshop on Human Potential
The Workshop on Human Potential is one of the core intellectual activities of the Center for Human Potential and Public Policy. It is an interdisciplinary forum for graduate students, post docs, and faculty whose work concerns behavior, health, and well-being across the lifespan and the ways in which technology and public policy shape human potential and achievement. The workshop/working group has active members in the areas of the social, behavioral, health, and policy sciences.
The workshop is held on Thursdays between 10:30 and 11:50 a.m. at the former Harris School, Room 224. For more information, see Workshop on Human Potential>>
Workshop on Education
The Workshop on Education alternates between two types of sessions: The New Findings in Education section functions as a typical University of Chicago workshop with detailed presentations, discussions and critical evaluations of new findings. Presentations are presented by university faculty and students, as well as experts from other universities. The Methodology sessions involve student presentations of works-in-progress. Discussion is aimed at helping colleagues plan their next steps.
The workshop is held on Tuesdays between 12:00pm and 1:20pm in Stuart Hall, Room 102. For more information, see Workshop on Education>>
Cultural Policy Workshop
The Cultural Policy Center at the University of Chicago is a nationally recognized interdisciplinary research center dedicated to informing policies that affect the arts, humanities, and cultural heritage. It is a joint initiative of the Harris School of Public Policy Studies and NORC at the University of Chicago. The Cultural Policy Workshop serves as a forum for new ways of understanding arts and culture, what the arts do, and how they are informed and affected by a range of policies in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
The workshop is held on Tuesdays between 12:00pm and 1:30pm at the former Harris School, Room 289B. For more information, see Cultural Policy>>
Health Economics Workshop
The Health Economics Workshop (HEW) is a weekly interdisciplinary workshop run by the Center for Health and the Social Sciences that includes participants from the Social and Biological Sciences as well as several professional schools (Business, Law, Public Policy, and Social Service Administration) and faculty outside the University of Chicago. The workshop provides an important venue for presentation of research in the areas of health economics, medical decision-making, health services research, health policy, population health and related topics, and a forum for mentoring and professional development of students and junior faculty.
Funding for HEW has been provided by the Merck Company Foundation, the Center for Health Administration Studies, the Population Research Center, NORC, and the University of Chicago. Funding for the 2011—2012 series is provided by CHeSS, the Department of Health Studies, the Harris School of Public Policy Studies, and the AHRQ Health Services Research Training Program.
Workshops are held on Thursdays from 3:30-5:00pm in fourth floor board room at University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy Studies Keller Center (1307 E 60th Street). For more information, see Health Economics Workshop>>
Workshop in Family Economics
The University of Chicago is home to an unusually innovative department of economics. The proportion of new ideas in economics over the last forty years that have emanated from or become associated with Chicago is astonishing. The Workshop in Family Economics is one of six workshops the Department of Economics offers to students. The workshop will meet on the designated Fridays listed below, from 4:00 – 5:20 p.m., in Saieh Hall For Economics (SHFE) 112. For more information, see Workshop in Family Economics>>
Center for Health and the Social Sciences (CHESS)
CHeSS supports several weekly workshops during the academic year, including the Conference in Research and Innovations in Medical Education, Outcomes Research Workshop and the Health Economics Workshop. In addition to these, the Regis J. Fallon Lecture Series on Health & Law is held twice per year. For more information, see CHeSS Workshops and Events>>
Poverty, Promise, and Possibility
Poverty, Promise, and Possibility, an initiative from the University of Chicago, represents an effort to bring together the University’s scholarly resources on issues of poverty in new, more publicly accessible, and more socially relevant ways. The aim is to highlight the usable knowledge available through the University for the purpose of illuminating both the pressing problems of poverty in the Chicago area and the practical steps that local communities can take to address such problems.
Poverty, Promise, and Possibility is a collaborative initiative featuring many partners, including the University of Chicago’s Office of Civic Engagement, Graham School of General Studies, Humanities Division/Civic Knowledge Project, Urban Education Institute, and School of Social Service Administration.
For more information, see Poverty, Promise, and Possibility >>
Graduate Workshops in the Humanities, The Social Sciences, and the Divinity School
The Council on Advanced Studies sponsors graduate research workshops in the humanities and social sciences. These interdisciplinary workshops are designed to bring together faculty and graduate students from the University of Chicago and the wider Chicago area to create scholarly dialogue, to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration, and to foster exchange of ideas. The main emphasis of these workshops is the presentation of graduate student dissertation work in progress.
There are many workshops ranging across a wide spectrum of interests and disciplines, many with interdisciplinary aims, including performance studies, cultural studies, philosophy, political science, Latin American, American and European history, and art and politics of East Asia. For more information on the workshops, see Graduate Workshops>>