Ilaria Rebay, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Professor, Ben May Department for Cancer Biology and Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago
Member: Graduate Program in Cell and Molecular Biology
Committee on Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology
Committee on Genetics, Genomics and Systems Biology
UChicago Comprehensive Cancer Center
UChicago Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology
Ph.D. Biology, Yale University 1993
B.A. Mathematics, Columbia University 1987
Current Lab Members

Chudong (Catherine) Wu
Graduate Student
GGSB 2014
B.S. Zhejiang University
I work on Drosophila photoreceptor differentiation – how cells integrate external signals and internal information to coordinate the transition from a multipotent to a differentiated state. My project uses systematic quantification of expression dynamics and CRISPR-generated gene knockouts to study the combinatorial regulation by isoforms of the ETS activator Pointed (Pnt) that confers cell fate specificity.
Personal Background: Born and raised in a small city in China. Lived in Hangzhou City, hailed as ‘Paradise on Earth’, before moving to Chicago.
Favorite Gene: pnt
Honorary Titles: Master of motivating myself.

Xiao Sun
Graduate Student
DRSB 2015
B.S. Peking University
I study Drosophila pupal eye morphogenesis – how different cells interact with each other to transform a thin-layer imaginal eye disc into a spherical adult retina. My project has uncovered an intricate 3D cytoskeletal network that coordinates xy patterning across the tissue field with z-axis elongation of the epithelium to ensure robust retinal morphogenesis.
Personal Background: Born and grew up in Beijing, China. Lived in Damascus, Syria and Paris, France.
Favorite Gene: Not abl
Honorary Titles: Photographer of pupal retina; Believer that random protocols produce the most robust results; Want world peace.

Julio Miranda-Alban
Graduate Student
DRSB 2017
B.S. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Genetics & Biotechnology
The simplicity in design of the Notch signaling pathway belies exceptional complexity as Notch can perform a plethora of functions (proliferation, cell fate specification, morphogenesis, cell death, etc) in a context-dependent manner (across different tissues or in the same tissue at different timepoints/conditions). I’m interested in understanding how different factors can activate/inactivate Notch in a spatiotemporal manner to ensure its proper functioning. Currently, I study how the Abelson kinase regulates Notch trafficking and signaling.
Personal Background: Born and raised in Peru. Lived in Havana, Cuba and various cities in the US
Favorite gene/protein: Of course Notch, but I also like armadillo (B-cat).
Honorary titles: The wing person in the lab, master of learning new protocols (even if I have to teach myself).

Suzy Hur
Graduate Student
DRSB 2018
BMedSci University of New South Wales
Super curious to understand how physical and biochemical cues are integrated to influence cell fate decisions during development. I use the Drosophila eye to understand the interplay of morphogenesis (e.g. cytoskeletal forces) and biochemical signaling (RTK signaling) on influencing downstream transcription factor dynamics during photoreceptor specification. I will be using live imaging, biosensors, and optogenetics to get at this question.
Personal Background: Born in South Korea; Grew up in Sydney, Australia.
Favorite Gene: Mothers against decapentaplegic (Mad)
Favorite Paper: Evolution and Tinkering, Jacob (1977); “This paper reads particularly well with a glass of wine.”
Honorary Titles: Master of finding cool papers and conferences that I personally don’t want to read/go to but hope others will.

Saman Tabatabaee
Undergraduate Student
Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry Major, UChicago Class of 2021
I study the contribution of low complexity domains to the aggregation of transcription factors. By tuning the strength of specific protein-protein interaction I would like to explore the mechanisms by which transcriptions factors localize to specific enhancer regions and recruit other proteins.
Personal Background: Born and raised in Tehran, Iran before moving to Chicago,IL.
Favorite Gene: Fish-lips
Honorary Titles: Master Cloner, Salivary Gland Enthusiast

Christine Cao
Undergraduate Student
Biology Major, UChicago Class of 2022
My project focuses on understanding the relationship of polymerization strength to transcription factor function. Specifically, I am studying how expression of the mammalian repressor TEL in the embryonic mesoderm of stage 11 Drosophila embryos impacts the expression of transcriptional targets of its Drosophila counterpart Yan. I am particularly interested in how changes in TEL/Yan polymerization strength affect repressive function.
Personal Background: Born in Shanghai, China but recently from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Favorite Gene: Even-skipped (Eve)
Honorary Titles: A stunning stainer or a marvelous mounter, but never both at the same time.
Former Lab Members

Juana Delao
Undergraduate Student 2017 - 2019
B.A. Biology and Chemistry & B.S. Biochemistry, University of Chicago 2019
Current Position: Ph.D. Graduate Student in Biology, MIT
I studied the role of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions on transcription factor function. My research project focused on the mammalian protein TEL, a transcriptional repressor, which like its Drosophila counterpart Yan, has the curious ability to self-associate into long helical polymers. I engineered a set of TEL mutants with varying polymerization strengths and over-expressed them in the developing eye of Drosophila to evaluate the effects on cell type specification and tissue patterning.
Publications: Manuscript in preparation
Personal Background: Born and raised in Chicago with frequent trips back to the motherland, Mexico.
Favorite Gene: I’m Not Dead Yet (INDY)
Honorary Titles: Terribly Overenthusiastic Undergrad, Master Injector, Resident Figure Artist, Christmas Ornament Builder

Nicelio Sanchez-Luege
Graduate Student
Ph.D. MSTP/Developmental Regeneration & Stem Cell Biology 2018
“Regulation of Notch trafficking and signaling by Abelson kinase”
Publications: Webber et al., Development 2018
Current Position: UChicago MSTP Program Class of 2021

C. Matthew Hope
Graduate Student
Ph.D. UChicago Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics 2018
“Polymerization of the ETS family transcriptional Yan: Theory and experiment”
Publications: Hope et al., Biophysical Journal 2017; Hope et al., Elife 2018
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow with Xiaozhong Alec Wang, Simons Center for Quantitative Biology, Northwestern University

Jemma Webber
Postdoctoral Fellow 2010 - 2018
BSc University of Bristol; Ph.D. Cancer Research UK, London Research Laboratories
Publications: Webber et al., Genetics 2013; Webber & Rebay, Fly 2013; Webber et al., Genes & Development 2013; Boisclair Lachance et al., Developmental Biology 2014; Webber & Rebay, Cell Cycle 2014; Boisclair Lachance et al., Genes & Development 2018; Webber et al., Development 2018; Hope et al., Elife 2018
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow with Jaime Garcia-Anoveros, Northwestern University

Jean-François Boisclair Lachance
Postdoctoral Fellow 2011 - 2018
Ph.D. McGill University
Publications: Boisclair Lachance et al., Developmental Biology 2014; Boisclair Lachance et al., Genes & Development 2018
Current Position: Research Associate, McGill University

Trevor Davis
Graduate Student
Publications: Davis & Rebay, Developmental Biology 2017; Davis & Rebay, Development 2017; Davis et al., PLoS One 2017; Davis & Rebay, Fly 2018
Ph.D. UChicago Development Regeneration & Stem Cell Biology 2017
“Binding partners regulate Eyes absent-Sine oculis transcriptional output during retinal development in Drosophila melanogaster“
Current Position: Analyst, Lincoln Park Capital

Charlene Hoi
Graduate Student
Ph.D. UChicago Genetics Genomics & Systems Biology 2016
“Interactions between Eyes absent and JAK/STAT signaling during Drosophila development”
Publications: Hoi et al., Genetics 2016; Davis et al., PLoS One 2017
Postdoctoral work with Philip Barker, University of British Columbia
Current Position: Research Scientist, Applied Biological Materials

Aaron Mitchell-Dick
Research Technician 2009 - 2013
B.S. Indiana University at Bloomington
Publications: Webber et al., Genes & Development, 2013
Current Position: Ph.D. Graduate student in Cell & Molecular Biology, Duke University

Santiago Morrillo
Graduate Student
Ph.D UChicago Cell and Molecular Biology 2012
“Signaling mechanisms regulation the dual function transcription factor/protein phosphatase Eyes absent during Drosophila development”
Publications: Morrillo et al., Developmental Biology 2012; Xiong et al., Development 2013
Current Position: Project Manager for Europe, Middle East, Africa & Latin America, Roche

Lauren Cote
Undergraduate Student & Research Technician 2010 - 2012
B.S. University of Chicago
Publications: Zhang et al., Molecular Cell Biology 2010; Webber et al., Genetics 2013
Current Position: Ph.D. Graduate student in Biology, MIT

Joanna Cogan
Research Technician 2008 - 2012
B.A. Mount Holyoke; R.N. & B.S.N. Loyola University Chicago
Current Position: unknown

Fangfang Jiang
Postdoctoral Fellow 2009 - 2011
Ph.D. Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Science
Current Position: Territory Manager (China) for COOK Medical Trading Co., LTD

Jie Zhang
Graduate Student
Ph.D. UChicago Cancer Biology 2011
“Regulation of gene expression by the Drosophila ETS family transcriptional repressor Yan”
Publications: Zhang et al., Molecular Cell Biology 2010; Webber et al., Genetics 2013; Webber et al., Genes & Development 2013; Webber et al., Development 2018
J.D., Harvard University Law School
Current Position: Legal Manager of Beijing Office for Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP

Wenjun Xiong
Graduate Student
Ph.D. UChicago Cancer Biology 2010
“Regulation of Drosophila eye development by the transcription factor/protwin tyrosine phosphatase Eyes absent”
Publications: Xiong et al., Developmental Cell 2009; Xiong & Rebay, Developmental Dynamics 2011; Xiong et al, Development 2013; Hoi et al., Genetics 2016
Postdoctoral work with Connie Cepko, Harvard University
Current Position: Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong

Carolyn Wrobel Martineau
Postdoctoral Fellow 2007 - 2008
Ph.D. Harvard University
Current Postion: Senior Instructor, DePaul University Biological Sciences

Maureen Cetera
Research Technician 2005 - 2008
B.S. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne; Ph.D. University of Chicago
Publications: Zhang et al., 2010
Current Postion: Postdoctoral Fellow in Danelle Devenport’s Lab, Princton University

David Doroquez
Graduate Student
Ph.D. MIT Biology 2007
“Characterization of split ends in the integration of signaling during Drosophila eye development”
Publications: Lin et al., Development 2003; Doroquez & Rebay, Critical Reviews in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 2006; Doroquez et al., Mechanisms of Development 2007
Postdoctoral work with Piali Sengupta, Brandeis University
Current Postion: Medical Writer for Dynamed, EBSCO Information Services

Jennifer Jemc Mierisch
Graduate Student
Ph.D. MIT Biology 2007
“Regulation of Drosophila Eye Development by the Transcription Factors Eyes Absent and Spenito”
Publications: Jemc & Rebay, Genetics 2006; Jemc & Rebay, Genome Biology 2006; Jemc & Rebay, Annual Reviews Biochemistry 2007; Jemc & Rebay, Developmental Biology 2007; Zhou et al., Developmental Biology 2014
Postdoctoral work with Mark van Doren, Johns Hopkins University
Current Position: Associate Professor of Biology, Loyola University Chicago

Pavithra Vivekanand
Postdoctoral Fellow 2003 - 2007
B.S. & M.S. Madras University; Ph.D. Wesleyan University
Publications: Vivekanand et al, Mechanisms of Development 2004; Vivekanand & Rebay, Annual Reviews Genetics 2006; Zhang et al., Molecular Cell Biology 2010; Vivekanand & Rebay, PLoS One 2012; Webber et al., Genetics 2013
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Susquehanna University

Ishara Mills-Henry
Graduate Student
Ph.D. MIT Biology 2007 (2001 – 2004 in Rebay Lab, finished in Jonathan King’s Lab)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Food Science, Framingham State University

Noura Dabbouseh
Research Technician 2004 - 2006
B.A. & M.S. Northwestern University; M.D. Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago
Publications: Xiong et al., Developmental Cell 2009
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

Justin Cassidy
Research Technician 2003 - 2005
B.S. University of Chicago; Ph.D. Northwestern University
Publications: Mutsuddi et al., Genetics 2005
Current Position: Postdoctoral Scholar in Rich Carthew’s Lab, Northwestern University

Beth Williams Parlikar Delahaij
Graduate Student
M.S. MIT Biology 2004
Current Position: Manager and Lead Analyst, National Grid

Tina Tootle
Graduate Student
Ph.D. MIT Biology 2004
“Regulation of cell fate by phosphorylation: A tale of two transcription factors”
Publications: Tootle et al., Development 2003; Tootle et al., Nature 2003; Vivekanand et al., Mechanisms of Development 2004; Tootle & Rebay, Bioessays 2005; Rebay et al., Trends in Genetics 2005; Mutsuddi et al., Genetics 2005
Postdoctoral work with Allan Spradling, Carnegie Institute
Current Position: Associate Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Iowa

Serena Silver
Graduate Student
Ph.D. MIT Biology 2004
“Dual functions of the Retinal Determination Gene Network member EYES ABSENT as a transcription factor and phosphotase”
Publications: Silver et al., Molecular Cell Biology 2003; Tootle et al., Nature 2003; Silver et al., Genesis 2004; Silver & Rebay, Development 2005; Rebay et al., Trends in Genetics 2005; Mutsuddi et al., Genetics 2005
Postdoctoral work with Norbert Perrimon, Harvard University
Current Position: Biology Research at Fulcrum Therapeutics

Mousumi Mutsuddi
Postdoctoral Fellow 2000 - 2004
Ph.D. Banaras Hindu University
“Dual functions of the Retinal Determination Gene Network member EYES ABSENT as a transcription factor and phosphotase”
Publications: Mutsuddi et al., Current Biology 2004; Mutsuddi et al., Genetics 2005; Mutsuddi & Rebay, RNA Biology 2005
Current Position: Professor, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Banaras Hindu University

Ben Chaffee
Research Technician 2002 - 2004
B.S. Williams College; D.D.S. University of California at San Francisco; M.P.H University of California at Berkeley; Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley
Publications: Mutsuddi et al., Genetics 2005
Current Position: Associate Professor, USCF School of Dentistry

Victoria Newman
Research Technician 2002 - 2003
B.S. McGill University; Ph.D. University of California at San Francisco
Publications: Tootle et al., Nature 2003
Current Position: Ensembl Outreach Officer, EMBL-EBI

Matthew Voas
Graduate Student
Ph.D. MIT Biology 2002
“The rhinoceros gene of Drosophila restricts cell fate specification in the developing eye”
Publications: Rebay et al., Genetics 2000; Badenhorst et al., Genes & Development 2002; Voas & Rebay, Developmental Dynamics 2004; Voas & Rebay, Genetics 2003; Badenhorst et al., Genes & Development 2005
Postdoctoral work with William Talbot, Stanford University and Tatjiana Piotrowski, Stowers Institute
Current Position: Research Analyst at Hughes Hubbard & Reed

Erin Davies
Research Technician 2000 - 2002
B.S. Williams College; Ph.D. Stanford University
Publications: Hsiao et al., Developmental Cell 2001; Silver et al., Molecular Cell Biology 2003; Tootle et al., Nature 2003
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow in Alejandro Sanchez Alvaredo’s Lab, Stowers Institute, en route to a tenure track position as a Stadtman Investigator in Cancer & Developmental Biology, National Cancer Institute

Fangli Chen
Graduate Student
Ph.D. MIT Biology 2001
“Characterization of split ends, a new component of the Drosophila epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway”
Publications: Rebay et al., Genetics 2000; Chen & Rebay, Current Biology 2000; Lin et al., Development 2003; Silver et al., Genesis 2004
J.D., Suffolk University Law School
Current Position: Life Sciences & Intellectual Property Partner at Proskauer Rose LLP

Francis Hsiao
Research Technician 1998 - 2000
B.S. Cornell University; M.D.,Ph.D. Tufts University School of Medicine
Publications: Rebay et al., Genetics 2000; Hsiao et al., Developmental Cell 2001
Current Position: Dermatologic surgeon, California Skin Institute

Andrina Williams Zinc
Research Technician 1997 - 2001
M.S. University of California at Davis; J.D. Suffolk University Law School
Publications: Rebay et al., Genetics 2000; Hsiao et al., Developmental Cell 2001
Current Position: Attorney, Alkermes Inc.