Former Graduate Students

Suzy Hur

Suzy Hur

Graduate Student

Ph.D. UChicago Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology 2023 “Quantitative insights into the role of RTK/MAPK signaling pathway on developmental cell state transitions”

Publications: Bernasek, Hur, Pelaez-Restrepo et al., Development 2023.

Current Position: Associate, McKinsey & Company.

Xiao Sun

Xiao Sun

Graduate Student

Ph.D. UChicago Development, Regeneration & Stem Cell Biology 2023 “Towards a multi-scale understanding of Drosophila 3D retinal morphogensis”

Publications: Sun et al., Development 2024

Current Position: Entrepreneur

Chudong "Catherine" Wu

Chudong "Catherine" Wu

Graduate Student

Ph.D. UChicago Genetics, Genomics and Systems Biology 2020
“The ETS factors Pnt and Yan regulate distinct cell fates in Drosophila

Publications: Wu et al., Plos Genetics 2020

Current Position: Associate Director of Innovation, AbbVie

Nicelio Sanchez-Luege

Nicelio Sanchez-Luege

Graduate Student

Ph.D. MSTP/Developmental Regeneration & Stem Cell Biology 2018
“Regulation of Notch trafficking and signaling by Abelson kinase”

M.D. Pritzker School of Medicine 2021

Publications: Webber et al., Development 2018; Bernasek et al., Development 2023

Current Position: Resident, UCSF Psychiatry Research Resident Training Program

C. Matthew Hope

C. Matthew Hope

Graduate Student

Ph.D. UChicago Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics 2018
“Polymerization of the ETS family transcriptional Yan: Theory and experiment”

Publications: Hope et al., Biophysical Journal 2017; Hope et al., Elife 2018

Postdoctoral work with Xiaozhong Alec Wang, Northwestern University

Current Position: Bioinformatician, Sophia Genetics

Trevor Davis

Trevor Davis

Graduate Student

Ph.D. UChicago Development Regeneration & Stem Cell Biology 2017
“Binding partners regulate Eyes absent-Sine oculis transcriptional output during retinal development in Drosophila melanogaster

Publications: Davis & Rebay, Developmental Biology 2017; Davis & Rebay, Development 2017; Davis et al., PLoS One 2017; Davis & Rebay, Fly 2018

Current Position: Vice President, Life Sciences, Lincoln Park Capital

Charlene Hoi

Charlene Hoi

Graduate Student

Ph.D. UChicago Genetics Genomics & Systems Biology 2016
“Interactions between Eyes absent and JAK/STAT signaling during Drosophila development”

Publications: Hoi et al., Genetics 2016; Davis et al., PLoS One 2017

Postdoctoral work with Philip Barker, University of British Columbia

Current Position: Academic Consultant, BeMo Academic Consulting

Santiago Morillo

Santiago Morillo

Graduate Student

Ph.D UChicago Cell and Molecular Biology 2012
“Signaling mechanisms regulation the dual function transcription factor/protein phosphatase Eyes absent during Drosophila development”

Publications: Morillo et al., Developmental Biology 2012; Xiong et al., Development 2013

Current Position: International Business Leader – Core Projects, Roche

Jie Zhang

Jie Zhang

Graduate Student

Ph.D. UChicago Cancer Biology 2011
“Regulation of gene expression by the Drosophila ETS family transcriptional repressor Yan”

Publications: Zhang et al., Molecular Cell Biology 2010; Webber et al., Genetics 2013; Webber et al., Genes & Development 2013; Webber et al., Development 2018

J.D., Harvard University Law School

Current Position: Counsel – Registered Foreign Lawyer in Beijing, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP

Wenjun Xiong

Wenjun Xiong

Graduate Student

Ph.D. Uchicago Cancer Biology 2010
“Regulation of Drosophila eye development by the transcription factor/protwin tyrosine phosphatase Eyes absent”

Publications: Xiong et al., Developmental Cell 2009; Xiong & Rebay, Developmental Dynamics 2011; Xiong et al, Development 2013; Hoi et al., Genetics 2016

Postdoctoral work with Connie Cepko, Harvard University

Current Position: Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong

David Doroquez

David Doroquez

Graduate Student

Ph.D. MIT Biology 2007
“Characterization of split ends in the integration of signaling during Drosophila eye development”

Publications: Lin et al., Development 2003; Doroquez & Rebay, Critical Reviews in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 2006; Doroquez et al., Mechanisms of Development 2007

Postdoctoral work with Piali Sengupta, Brandeis University

Current Postion: Senior Medical Writer for Dynamed, EBSCO Information Services

Jennifer Jemc Mierisch

Jennifer Jemc Mierisch

Graduate Student

Ph.D. MIT Biology 2007
“Regulation of Drosophila Eye Development by the Transcription Factors Eyes Absent and Spenito”

Publications: Jemc & Rebay, Genetics 2006; Jemc & Rebay, Genome Biology 2006; Jemc & Rebay, Annual Reviews Biochemistry 2007; Jemc & Rebay, Developmental Biology 2007; Zhou et al., Developmental Biology 2014

Postdoctoral work with Mark van Doren, Johns Hopkins University

Current Position: Associate Professor of Biology, Loyola University Chicago

Ishara Mills-Henry

Ishara Mills-Henry

Graduate Student

Ph.D. MIT Biology 2007 (2001 – 2004 in Rebay Lab, finished in Jonathan King Lab)

Postdoctoral work with John Dowling, Harvard University and with TERC

Current Position: Associate Professor, Chemistry & Food Science, Framingham State University

Tina Tootle

Tina Tootle

Graduate Student

Ph.D. MIT Biology 2004
“Regulation of cell fate by phosphorylation: A tale of two transcription factors”

Publications: Tootle et al., Development 2003; Tootle et al., Nature 2003; Vivekanand et al., Mechanisms of Development 2004; Tootle & Rebay, Bioessays 2005; Rebay et al., Trends in Genetics 2005; Mutsuddi et al., Genetics 2005

Postdoctoral work with Allan Spradling, Carnegie Institute

Current Position: Professor and Chair, Deparment of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Iowa

Serena Silver

Serena Silver

Graduate Student

Ph.D. MIT Biology 2004
“Dual functions of the Retinal Determination Gene Network member EYES ABSENT as a transcription factor and phosphotase”

Publications: Silver et al., Molecular Cell Biology 2003; Tootle et al., Nature 2003; Silver et al., Genesis 2004; Silver & Rebay, Development 2005; Rebay et al., Trends in Genetics 2005; Mutsuddi et al., Genetics 2005

Postdoctoral work with Norbert Perrimon, Harvard University

Current Position: Vice President of Biology, Accent Therapeutics

Matthew Voas

Matthew Voas

Graduate Student

Ph.D. MIT Biology 2002
“The rhinoceros gene of Drosophila restricts cell fate specification in the developing eye”

Publications: Rebay et al., Genetics 2000; Badenhorst et al., Genes & Development 2002; Voas & Rebay, Developmental Dynamics 2004; Voas & Rebay, Genetics 2003; Badenhorst et al., Genes & Development 2005

Postdoctoral work with William Talbot, Stanford University and Tatjiana Piotrowski, Stowers Institute

Current Position: Research Fellow, National Cancer Institute


Fangli Chen

Fangli Chen

Graduate Student

Ph.D. MIT Biology 2001
“Characterization of split ends, a new component of the Drosophila epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway”

Publications: Rebay et al., Genetics 2000; Chen & Rebay, Current Biology 2000; Lin et al., Development 2003; Silver et al., Genesis 2004

J.D., Suffolk University Law School

Current Position: Life Sciences & Intellectual Property Partner at Proskauer Rose LLP