You are cordially invited to attend the Religions in America (RAME) workshop this year. All events (unless otherwise noted) are held onĀ Thursdays from 12-1:15 pm in the Marty Center Library (Second Floor, Swift Hall). Lunch is usually served. We hope to see you there!
 5 October:
Pub Night! (University Pub, 6-7pm)
No paper, just conversation


12 October:
Karl Kuehner (MA Student, U. of Chicago), “Modern Warriors: Jerry Falwell, The New Christian Right, and the Experience of Modernity”
Pre-circulated paper


26 October (*12:30 – 1:30pm):
Russell Johnson (PhD Candidate, U. of Chicago), “The Struggle is Real: Understanding the American ‘Culture War’”
Pre-circulated paper


10 November (2-4pm, Third Floor, Swift Hall):
David Hall (Harvard U.), “Thinking across (Protestant) Reformations: Scotland, England, and New England, 1550-1640” (Co-sponsored with the Scherer Center for the Study of American Culture)
Panel Respondents: W. Clark Gilpin, Margaret E. Burton Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of the History of Christianity and Theology, and Eric Slauter, Associate Professor of English Language and Literature
No pre-circulated paper


16 November:
Erin Simmonds (PhD Student, U. of Chicago), “Battling ‘The Other’: Atheism’s Dual Role in the Evolution Debates of the 1920s”
Pre-circulated paper


30 November:
Kit Shields (PhD Candidate, U. of Chicago), “‘Written on Their Hearts’: Body, Imagination, and Slave Literacy”
Pre-circulated paper