by Hannah | Jan 12, 2022 | Uncategorized
Join us on January 27 for a discussion of Derek Buyan’s dissertation chapter, “The Meaning of Our Creed: Dignity, Democracy, and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Christian Personalism.” Download the paper from the “Papers” tab; if you need the...
by changp | Jan 21, 2011 | Workshop
Dear Workshop, On Thursday, January 27, Jerome Tharaud, Ph.D. Candidate in the English Department will present the introduction to his dissertation: “Evangelical Space: Art, Experience, and the Ethical Landscape in America, 1820-1860” Time: 12:00,...
by changp | Apr 6, 2010 | Uncategorized
Jerome Thauraud, Ph.D. Candidate, English Language and Literature “Evangelical Space: Art, Experience, and the Ethical Landscape in America, 1825-1900” Time: 12:00pm, Thursday, April 15th, 2010 Place: Swift Hall, Room 400 Food: Snacks provided, feel free...