by changp | May 16, 2012 | Workshop
Dear Workshop, On Thursday, May 24, David Mihalyfy, Ph.D. Candidate in History of Christianity will present a chapter from his dissertation: “…almost all romantic stories have been suggested by some actual circumstance…”: Tom Paine Confronts Late...
by changp | May 3, 2012 | Workshop
Dear Workshop, On Thursday, May 10, M. Sahm Suh, Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology and Sociology of Religion will present a chapter from his dissertation: “The Conservative Turn of the New Christian Right” Time: 12:00, Thursday, May 10, 2012...
by changp | Apr 20, 2012 | Special Event
Dear Workshop, On Thursday, May 3rd, we will be having a seminar on “The Craft of Teaching.” Our special guest is Ann Taves, AM 1979, PhD 1983 (History of Christianity), Virgil Cordano, OFM, Professor of Catholic Studies and Professor of Religious...
by changp | Apr 9, 2012 | Workshop
Dear Workshop, On Thursday, April 19, Kyle Wagner, PhD candidate in the History of Christianity at the Divinity School will present: “Countering the Great Humanist Threat: The Assemblies of God Educator and the Construction of a New Pentecostal Model of Higher...
by changp | Mar 21, 2012 | Workshop
Dear Workshop, On Thursday, April 5, Catherine Brekus, Associate Professor in the Divinity School will present: “Love Thy Neighbor” a chapter from her book Sarah Osborn’s World: The Rise of Evangelical Christianity in Early America (forthcoming from...