Dear Workshoppers, Welcome back from the winter break! Our first workshop of the quarter will be a mock job talk with Paul Chang, co-sponsored by the Global Christianity Workshop. Not only will this be an opportunity to hear about Paul’s work and give him some...

Hey, y’all! Our next meeting will be Thursday, November 20. Amber Thomas will be our presenter. See below for a description of her work and the details of our meeting! Religions in America Workshop with Amber Thomas Date: Thursday, November 20 Time: 12:00...

Hi, workshoppers! Here are some details for our next meeting.   Date: Thursday, November 6 Time: 12:00 – 1:15 Place: Marty Center Library (2nd floor of the Swift Hall)     Greg Chatterley will be our presenter. To obtain the reading for this...

Hi, Workshoppers! Here are the details for our next meeting: Religions in America Workshop Date: Thursday, October 23 Time: 12:00 – 1:15 Place: Marty Center Library (2nd floor of the Divinity School) Professor Jane Dailey will discuss her work on human rights...

Hello, all! It’s finally time for our first meeting of the academic year, an opportunity to meet one another, catch up, invite new friends and colleagues, and talk about our plans and goals for the workshop. So mark down these details: Religions in America...

Welcome to a new year of workshopping!

Dear workshoppers, It’s been too long! I hope your summers have struck that ideal balance between “restful” and “productive.” Before we embark on another year of workshoppery, it is necessary to take care of some business. Below you will...

Dear Workshoppers, Our last meeting of the year is coming up! Remember, we have Ryan Tobler this Thursday (5/22), and next week we’ll have Bethany Lowery. DATE: Thursday, May 29 TIME: 12:00 – 1:15 PLACE: Marty Center Seminar Room, 2nd Floor of Swift Hall...


Hi, Workshoppers! We’ve had to reschedule our upcoming event. Please note that we WILL NOT meet this Thursday, May 15. The details below are up to date and accurate. DATE: Thursday, May 22 TIME: 12:00 – 1:15 PLACE: Marty Center Seminar Room, 2nd Floor of...

Dear Workshoppers,   Our next meeting will be a very special event with the Craft of Teaching Program. Professor Thomas Tweed, Harold and Martha Welch Endowed Chair in American Studies at the University of Notre Dame, will discuss his approach to course design in...

Dear Workshoppers, Our first meeting of the Spring quarter will take place this coming Thursday, April 24! Alison Davis will be our presenter. See below for details of the event and Alison’s description of her fascinating topic.   The Myth of the Scarlet Letter...