About the Workshop: This workshop seeks to advance research based on a semiotic framework. Presentations will come from a variety of fields including but not limited to linguistics, psychology, sociology, political science, literary theory, and anthropology. By not limiting the topic of research by area, period or discipline, the workshop encourages discussion to center on how to study social and cultural phenomena as embedded in a meaningful context. By building on many seminal studies that have used semiotic approaches, the goal of the workshop is to continue to develop the rigorous analytic framework that provides the method for clearly defining linkages between the object of analysis and its context. For the 2024–2025 academic year the graduate student coordinators are Krithika Ashok (kashok@uchicago.edu) and Shubham Shivang (shubhams@uchicago.edu). You can subscribe to our mailing list through lists.uchicago.edu and searching for “semiotics” or email us directly to be added to the list.