Past events

To request more information about or recordings of past events, please contact Zsofi Valyi-Nagy at

Zsofi Valyi-Nagy (PhD Candidate, Art History, University of Chicago), “Herstory or mine? Writing feminist histories of art with self-mythologies in mind”

Saadia Mirza (PhD Candidate, Anthropology, University of Chicago), “A Phenomenology of Iceberg Collisions: Investigating Sound-Image mapping”
Please contact for recording

Jennifer Thatcher (PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh) and Lucia Farinati (Independent Researcher), “The Artist Interview: Challenging the Biographical Paradigm”
Please contact for recording

Pranathi Diwakar (PhD Candidate, Sociology, University of Chicago), “Translation, Bilinguality, and Caste Identity in Musical Ethnographic Research”
Please contact for recording

Jazmine Harris (Artist) and Stephanie Koch (Independent curator, Co-founder, Annas), “Articulating Worlds: Interviews as Third Space”
Please contact for recording

Keenan Jay (MA Program in the Humanities Student, Art History, University of Chicago), “Oral History and Taste: Social Constellations of the 1980s East Village”
Please contact for recording

Kelly Lloyd (DPhil Student, Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford), “Responsibilities of Care: Before, During, and After the Interview”

Jennifer Sichel (Preceptor and Lecturer, MA Program in the Humanities, University of Chicago), “Warhol’s Tone”

Matthew Jesse Jackson (Associate Professor of Art History, Visual Arts, and the College; Chair, Department of Visual Arts, University of Chicago), “What I’ve Learned from Talking to Artists” (via Zoom)
Please contact for recording

Maggie Borowitz (PhD Candidate, Art History, University of Chicago), “The edges of the interview: informal relationships and the challenges of translation”

6pm, Smart Museum of Art
Practice Makes: Lori Waxman (critic for the Chicago Tribune and Senior Lecturer at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago) in conversation with Rachel Cohen (Professor of Practice in the Arts, Department of English and Program in Creative Writing, University of Chicago)
This event is organized by the Feitler Center for Academic Inquiry at the Smart Museum and is co-sponsored by the Department of Creative Writing, the Open Practice Committee, and the RAVE and Speaking of Art workshops.

Nancy Lin (PhD Candidate, Art History, University of Chicago) “‘That artwork doesn’t exist’: Productive misreadings of performance documentation and what happens when you find out the ‘truth’”

Alaka Wali (Curator of North American Anthropology, The Field Museum), “Interview as dialogue: Collaborative Curation with Native American artists”

Joe Maurer (PhD Candidate, Music, University of Chicago), “Interviewing a musician who is also an ethnomusicologist”

Leslie Wilson (Curatorial Fellow for Diversity in the Arts, Smart Museum), “We’ve Seen It All”

Oral History Intensive Workshop with Suzanne Snider (Founder and Director, Oral History Summer School)

Roundtable on Artist Interviews with Ina Blom (Wigeland Visiting Professor in the Department of Art History at the University of Chicago and Professor in the Dept. of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas at the University of Oslo), Rachel Cohen (Professor of Practice in the Arts, Department of English and Program in Creative Writing, University of Chicago), and Solveig Nelson (PhD Candidate, Art History, University of Chicago)

Research in Art and Visual Evidence/Speaking of Art Joint Session: “Peer Feedback on Interview Projects in Progress”

Roundtable on Artist Interviews with Maria Kokkori (Associate Conservation Scientist for Scholarly Initiatives at the Art Institute of Chicago; Visiting Lecturer at the University of Chicago), Christine Mehring (Professor and Chair, Department of Art History, University of Chicago) and Jessica Stockholder (Artist and Raymond W. & Martha Hilpert Gruner Distinguished Service Professor and Chair of the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Chicago)

Roundtable on Artist Interviews with Darby English (Carl Darling Buck Professor of Art History at the University of Chicago; Adjunct Curator, Department of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art), Hamza Walker (Executive Director of LAXART, Los Angeles), and Rebecca Zorach (Mary Jane Crowe Professor in Art and Art History, Northwestern University; Co-organizer of Never The Same)

Unless otherwise noted, all events have taken place at the University of Chicago Department of Art History, Cochrane-Woods Art Center, 5540 S. Greenwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60637