Employers by Industry

It is a good idea to get familiar with some of the major companies and organizations in the industries you are interested in. Keep a running list of places where you would be happy to work and make it a goal to foster connections in these organizations.  You should also check available openings in these places regularly. We have compiled some lists to get you started.

Computational New Grad + Internship Opportunities

The Career Services office has compiled a database of popular computational fellowships, new grad roles, and internship opportunities with information about applications and requirements.

The Career Services office has also compiled a list of the titles and employers for previous MACSS student summer internships and research opportunities between the first and second year of the program. This list can give you some ideas of the companies and position titles that students have held, and might also give you some ideas of where to direct your summer opportunities search.

Economics Predoctoral Opportunities

The Career Services office has compiled a database of recurring Economics predoctoral opportunities. This is a good listing to find relevant opportunities for pre-doctoral RAships and positions in Economics.

International Relations and Policy Internships

The Career Services office has compiled a database of popular international relations and policy internships with information about application cycles, funding, and requirements. This is a great place to start if you are looking for an internship experience in the field.

Leadership & Management Training  and/or Rotational Programs

The Career Services office has compiled a list of some of the leadership management training programs offered. These are typically full-time opportunities with companies designed to build your skills and introduce you to leadership opportunities. This is a list with just a few examples; search for your industry of interest and “leadership management training programs” to find more potential opportunities.

Apprenticeship Resources

Consulting / Market Research

Consulting Firms by Practice Area (Vault)

Vault provides a number of lists of Consulting Firms by Practice Area. Visit their website to view lists and research consulting firms in a variety of different sectors.

Data Science  / Analytics

School16 is an online resource with webinars, podcasts, and more for individuals interested in tech careers.


Educational Placement Firms


Executive Search


IGOs / International Organizations

Museums, Historical Societies and Preservation Organizations



Political Risk Analysis and Defense

Tech Firms and Start-Ups

Think Tanks

User Experience (UX)

Also see: Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work 2023, Employees’ Choice