Career Placement Outcomes
Curious about where past cohorts have landed in industry? The placement outcomes links below provide a snapshot of key findings for the most recent cohort, detailed reports of titles and employers for the past several years, and a summary report detailing employers by industry.
Recent PhD Placement Outcomes – by program
MAPSS supports approximately 100 graduates in their applications to funded PhD programs every year, offering a full suite of support, from guidance on where to apply and who to approach for letters of recommendation to close reviews of application materials and advice on negotiating offers.
Historical PhD Placement Data – by discipline
Over the course of the past five years, more than 77% of MAPSS graduates who took advantage of our support were successful in receiving fully funded offers to doctoral programs. We define fully funded offers as tuition plus RA/TAship or stipend for a minimum of 4 years. For outcomes by discipline, visit the links below.