Please join the Theater & Performance Studies Workshop as we welcome Professor Stephen Orgel. Stephen Orgel is the Jackson Eli Reynolds Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University. His most recent books are Spectacular Performances (Manchester/ Palgrave, 2011), Imagining Shakespeare (Palgrave, 2003) and The Authentic Shakespeare (Routledge, 2002). He has edited Ben Jonson’s masques, Christopher Marlowe’s poems and translations, the Oxford Authors John Milton, The Tempest and The Winter’s Tale in The Oxford Shakespeare, four plays and the Sonnets in the New Pelican Shakespeare, of which he is general editor, and several novels by Trollope and Edith Wharton in the Oxford World’s Classics.
Professor Orgel’s lecture series is co-sponsored by the Nicholson Center. There we will be a reception to follow.
LOCATION: Classics 110